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Hey guys!

I'm finally fone with the next part of this not so little series. I planned to finish the remaining pages of round 3 in one go but as you probably noticed, I was not able to do it. So, it will take one more chapter to get to the end of it, but don't worry, this time it won't take a month to get back to it. I will have it ready in about a week.

Despite it's not quite done, I hope you will have a good time reading what's completed so far. 

The penalties.

(Red) - The player begins to act how she currently looks. Not a mind alteration, just a behaviour change, fully aware of the change. 

(Green) - The player mind changes into slutty mindset. This would change how she behaves, speaks and acts. 

(White) - The players lover body thickens. Thigh and some butt expansion. 

(Blue) - The player undergoes an IQ reduction. Not a complete idiot level, but enough to affect her thinking. 

(Purple) - The player undergoes a moral degeneration. (complete behaviour and mind change).  




Excellent! :)


that last frontal of the milf was 100% fucking awesome, thats what I like to see


Your storytelling is on a compeletely different level. Really impressive how easy the different "plotpoints" come together and how well the Characters are written 👌.


Oh, a great chapter and very nice scenes. you are one of the bests 😎. I ask me if they will realize that Jessica throw the die or she will receive a penalize for try to throw again 🤔


Page 90 and 130... Someone need to received a big butt


I'm happy that you think so, thank you. This chapter was really challenging to make mind alterations look interesting, but luckily, after a long thinking phase, I guess I could come up with something nice that fit in with the rest of the previous story.


Thank you for liking it! No, there will be no penalty or throw again for her since it was still her indirect throw in some way that did not include cheating since she had intention to cheat. And the knows when someone is about to cheat ;)


Mind alteration takes all the fun of seeing them struggle completely away :(


I get what you mean, but a winner is a winner and I must follow my own rules. But the good thing in this game is that nothing is final, every change can be altered by a diiferent change in future rounds.


Hi, I have a question about game's rules. If one player land in the same square that another player, they swap squares and both receive a transformation ? or both still in the same square and only one transformation?


This is a tricky question. Luckily it did not happen so far so I didn't put much thought into it. But if two players would land on the exact same field or just the same color, both would get the same penalty, or I would roll again (on my PC dice roller) to not do the same TF twice in a round because I think that could be a letdown for the readers.


I'm sure it wouldn't be a letdown for the readers if they swap squares and both receive a transformation. Because one player return squares and will land in another transformation of the same segment. it will be at least 3 transformation, of couse, 2 of the same type but in different player. anyway, I only was curious about that situation. kind regards ;) and thanks for the answers :)


Hi Sitri ... I have a question about the last Raquel's change... which is her current sexual orientation ? Before the last change, according with the character file, she was heterosexual; but now I'm not sure if she turned lesbian or bisexual. Excuse me the lot of questions, but I really like this serie. Regards.


I don't want to spoil the fun part yet. But your question will be answered when I got the remaining pages ready from found 3.


Thanks ;)

Cory Hummel

This is awesome. Im ready for whatevers next but at your own speed. I love being in this.


I miss the stats summary.


New update?


Hey! I'm halfway done with the new pages, but it will take a little longer because I was sick the past 3 days. I will try to finish it for Sunday, but it can be pushed to middle next week if things don't go acording plan.