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Hey guys!

Well, this month did not really turned out the way I planned. I wanted to finish two 10$ comic and here I am, with the first half (or third?) of one of them. I really begin to think that something is not okay with me if I can't even keep my own schedule, or complete it in one piece... I don't have any excuses.

I know it's incomplete, but I really wanted to have something uploaded before the end of the month, and I really hope you will like it until I have the rest of the comic ready. I think I will need a few more days to complete it, maybe a week, but it will be done.

This comic was based on the idea of  Brandon Blanchard  Thank you so much for your constant support and patience, I will try to hurry up with the remaining pages, so please stay tuned.




You do great work we all have off times in are life's. Your work is worth the wait


One hell of an initiation, one hell of a good start. Gabby's already half-way a bimbo, but at least she was trying to be a good friend. I love it when you do multi-part comics because it gives me something to look forward to, and I'm definitely looking forward to what's next.

Soviet Tank

Guy, can you try complete just one of you're projects without starting many new? Concentrate, please to one. Complete it. Then go forward to next. Don't be a squirrel.


It's okay to have time when we're less productive. Maybe try some new/relaxing things and the motivatiin might come back on its own. But if for any reason you think it might be something deeper than "a bad time", please do not be scared to talk to somebody and/or ask for help. Do not be ashamed if you do not feel okay. Take care

Some Guy

Not a complaint, just wondering if I missed the 3rd part of that carnival comic?


Was the Erika Stephens referenced in the comic in one of your other comics?

urattributes rmineee

Take your time, do your best! Great work on this one can't wait to see how it ends!


Yes, she was the first candidate in a previous Casting Couch comic. She ended up as a bimbo anime girl.


You have a point there. But some content variety is necessary to not become stale. And to be honest, I have 2 series in progress, and this usual 10$ backer short comic, so it's not impossibly many. I just miscalculated myself with the lenght and technical difficulties of the Valentines comic, and it overthrow my schedule.


No you did not. I want to get to it in April right after the next part of the Game Night is finished.


2 of the drinks are kind of self explanatory but the 3rd one i can't make it out guess will see on the next update


I don't necessarily think she's a bimbo, just a very helpful and cheerful girl, but that could change very soon... hehe But to be honest, I personally don't really like when arits I follow break up their shorter comics, I like to read them in a complete form, and I expect the same thing from myself, and I feel really bad when I can't achieve it. Longer series are a different thing, in those cases I completely agree with you :)

Cory Hummel

I wonder what's gonna happen next. Love how I am with all your newest comics. I love it all


2 weeks are over now - any news 🙃? Because you are a genius for making cliffhanger, it can be hard to wait :D


Hey! Sorry for the delay. I was tied up in life, but the next part will be done for late Sunday (central european time)