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Hey guys!

It's time again for this months content predictions. Sadly last month did not turn out as accurate as I hoped for, but at least I got half of it right.

So, my plans for this month are the following . First of all, I will finish the Valentine's comic, it's about halfway finished at this point and I really want it done for this weekend. At least that's the plan.

The rest of the month will be spent on 10$ backer short comics. There's quite a lot of them piled up during the months and I really want to work off some of them. So I will try to get two of them ready this month. 

I think that's it for this months predictions. I really don't want to promise something that I can't guarantee to make in time, there's already so many comics in progress and so little time. But I hope you will be looking forward for this months content. So please stay tuned. 



Any news on game night 3 part 2?


Sorry also forgot about carnival of nightmares part 3 as well.


I plan to dedicate April for both of those two series. It will be the finale for The Game Night round 3.

urattributes rmineee

work at a pace you won't get burnt out. Your comics are the best!