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Hey guys!

As promised here is the next part of the Halloween special... in January... or rather February... yeeeah... Maybe it will be done till next Halloween at this pace. 

I originally planned 40 more pages and be done with the whole first transformation in this chapter, but sadly I got sick last week and spent several days resting, and I felt just good enough in the past two days that I could at least edit this much before the end of the month. I'm feeling much better today, and if you ask if I got COVID, I can't say, probably not, but I can't say for sure, I could not go out for testing in my current state. Anyways, I think I will be allright from here on, getting better every day.

So, really sorry for this 2/3 chapter, but I hope everyone will have a good time reading it. I will try to squeeze in some time in February to complete the rest of the chapter.



Mr. Phoenyxx

Lol! The constant struggle of trying to finish a comic how you want, instead of just constantly adding more and more and more. :P


Very great setup and can't wait to see more!


Get well soon take care


Hmm 🤔 maybe a princess bimbo transformation? Just a guess! Excited for the next part!


Creepy. I love it. Can't wait for the next part. But first get well. ;)


Glad to hear you're recovering, get well soon!


Take your time my friend, this are creepy times, even without any horror. I had an influenca the last two weeks and was scared like hell that it could be COVID, but all Tests was negative---puh, damn that Covid crap! But your Part2 of the carnival is amazing. It remember a little of "The Secret World" and "The Park" Games made by FunCom. And as far I could say, the Transformations already are running? A very slow Transformation and every action put a little new changement to the characters, am I right?


Thanks a lot! Yeah, I guess you could say that the TF has already begun, I mean, they have already chosen they're downfall... hehe I have some cloudy memories regarding The Secret World. I remember that it looked pretty cool and had a lot of potential, but it just never lived up to it's potential. I still believe that the base concept was promissing, and it could easily be a great new story driven single player game franchise.