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Hey guys!

Maybe you still remember that some time ago I asked a question about a new Q&A type mini series, and you gave me an overall positive response to the idea.

So, I took my time to research the possibilities of this project, and came to the conclusion  why not give it a shot then. What can go wrong, right? It will only launch next year, but it's better to start preparations now. 

Sooo... How will this work, you probably ask now. It's actually pretty simple. I plan to do this as a very short, only a few pictures comic strip type of thing in a monthly, or maybe an every second month format, depending on how much spare time I have to work on it.

This time THERE WILL BE NO TIER RESTRICTIONS! JUST ADDRESS THE CHARACTER THE QUESTION IS MEANT FOR. So basically anyone can participate in this series, and there will be no voting either. I will just pick the five or so best comments that I personally like the most.

As you can see in the picture above, I prepared a roster of some of my recurring, more or less established characters (which my expand in the future) I decided to go with the pre established roster because I can't guarantee that other previously used characters you might ask for still exist or still in working condition after so much time has passed. But after a successful test run I will ask you how to expand the roster.

You can pretty much ask anithing from the characters above, or maybe ask them to perform something funny, cute, or even naughty, even in a group. If your lucky and they feel like it, they just might do it for you. It all depends how nice or rude you ask... hehe

If somebody still have trouble imagining how this will work, here's a link to one of my main inspirations. I don't own these images, they belong to ChaloDilloI just put them together for an easier view  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1W6MmN0MVmkiWfguDFDLOEguMIAmjVEzF 

I also plan to give this Q&A another surprise feature, if I can sort out some technical difficulties. But more about that later.

So, I think that's enought info how this works, please submit your questions in the comment section and we'll see what will turn out of this.



Michael Barrows

What about comics like Swap Gun and the Office Bimbo? Will you include them ever?


Wow! Why did you comment on this old post? Also what do you mean exactly? Continue them?


So then we input questions here? Like what if sachiko had a pick your poison backfire on her and she became an Asian slut stereotype instead of the contestant?

Iain Watson

What is your favourite type of bimbo that you like to make?


Angie, do you ever feel attracted to Sitri ?


Angie, what is your most perverted secret fantasy? (I feel she may lie or refuse to answer this, so perhaps a little magic will make her speak the truth!)


Sachiko, are you possessed by Sitri or are you her fleshly disguise? If it's the former, did you two strike a deal or something?


Sachiko, do you ever think about becoming a bimbo MILF yourself?


Hey Angie do you think you could get your own story would love to see how an angel transforms someone into a bimbo?


Hm, what i really want to know is this: Is Sachiko just a vessel for Sitri, or is that Sitri who transform into a human form?

Mr. Phoenyxx

Ohhh! Exciting! :D


Hey Sachiko do you ever just get so horny you try some of your magic out on yourself? Like maybe become a total slut with huge natural curves and just fuck every guy you can find?


To Sitri Is it true that touching your horns makes you horny?