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Hey guys!

This is the new link to access my content library. It will be live till the end of the month and then deleted. Please don't try to access it in the following month, BECAUSE IT WON'T WORK.


Please enjoy! And if something does not work, please let me know.



Hi, When do you plan to publish next chapter of the "The Game night"? Don't want to push you, I am just curious what is your rough estimate:)


It's hard to say. I'm currently writing the script for it, but I really want to release a short commission and a 10$ comic before it. I can probably get to it in mid month.


Hey Sitri, looks like your older comic, Roommates, is not not on the Content Library...any plans to get that up there?


Yes, thanks for bringing it up. I always forget to upload it. But I will correct this soon.