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Hey guys!

I'm finally done with the next part of the comic to close off June properly, but sadly I couldn't fit two parts in after all because both parts became super long and it would have taken another week to complete. So I rather have this up first and do the third part next week.

Thank you everyone for being patient with my delays, and I hope everyone will have a good time reading this update. Thank you, and we'll meet again next week :)




This is almost like a sexy version of Jumanji. I can't wait to see what happens in the next roll of the dice.

Caleb draper

That was a big tease 😈. I’d thought we’d at least see what she landed on.


Guess there is no trying to outsmart a trickster eithed well atleast they were given a fair warning, so anything that happens next is on them if they break the rules


That was my intention... hehe I can assure you that the next round will be just as fun :)


I don't wanted to cut things off at that point and let everyone wait for the continuation. It would kill the excitement. Also, a little tease here and there is not a bad thing... hehe :D


Any update on anniversary?


Really hoping for moral degradation!


My only disappointment is the text that changed the asian girl sounded like it was going to cause her to have big boobs but did not so sad face lol.


Thank you for asking. It's almost gone, I could leave the pills and only use a nose spray right now. I feel much better :)


when will be the next round posted


I'm currently working on it, so most likely it will be ready early next week, if everything goes according to plan.


when is part 2?


You mean part 3. I'm currently working on it, and it will be up somewhere next wednesday.