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Hey guys!

You probably guessed that there will be some delay in this months comic updates, and sadly that's correct. 

I'm working on a new standalone short comic, that should have been ready early this week, but I just couldn't finish it. The thing is, my usual summer pollen allergy hit me two weeks ago, and it was probably the worst in the past five years. I usually just shrug it off, big deal, but this time I needed to visit a doctor because I couldn't breath properly. 

So, I got some meds that thankfully work, but the downside is that those things keep me all day in a dozy state with zero energy to focus. I live on energy drinks and gummy bears to work and function during day time. Hopefully those damn trees stop blooming soon and I can get back to normal.   

But back to topic. The short comic should be ready in one or two days, then hopefully one week later, the next part of the game night will be up with a double change this time closing round one, which means you can start thinking about round two's penalties. And if possible I will try to close the month with a new part of the Anniversary, but I can't guarantee it. 

I know this is not an excuse, but really sorry again for the delay. 



I know what you're going through. I've had bad allergies for most of my life. Some days it was so bad, I just felt like I wanted to die. I started allergy desensitization last fall after a test showed that I was heavily allergic to a large number of things in the air, including grass and dust. I'd recommend looking into allergy desensitization, if that's an option available to you. I'm half way through my initial regiment, and I'm already breathing much better.


Take your time, hope you recover soon and feel better!


Allergies have been super bad this year I’m on two inhalers because of it


I understand what you're going through. My brother's allergies get so bad every summer, he's got to get immunity shots just to get through the season.


I usually don't have this much issue with my allergy, i'm not sure what changed, but I hope i won't need any serious procedures that you had to go through. But I will look into it, thank you for the idea. Also, grass is one of my weaknesses as well.


Technically I feel better now, but I could get rid of the sleepyness. But thank you :)

Karen W. Fox

The COVID-19 virus is about 0.1 - 0.5 μm (microns) in size. Dust is 1 - 2.5 μm. Pollen is 15 μm. Grain of salt is 60 μm. The wearing of a mask over BOTH nose and mouth will be of some help in battling allergies.

Mr. Phoenyxx

No worries, buddy. Allergies can be brutal. I don't really suffer from them, but I've heard things like this before. Just take your time, get better, and post when you can. :)


Get well soon do you take anti histamine for controlling the allergy daily?


That's true, but I refuse to wear a mask at home. Outside is a different thing.


Thank you. Well, I got a nose spray and some pills, i'm not sure about anti histamine but they probably contain it.


Wel most likely the pills contain ant histanine and the spray being some corticosteriod.




I took me a bit longer than expected, but I think I have something new up later today.




I'm sorry to hear about your horrible allergies! I hope you are getting some relief with your new allergy medication!