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Hey guys!

Sorry for the few hours delay, but now it's finally ready. As you probably noticed the Part-1 in the title, there will be another one or two updates for the first round. This is because I want to give every penalty a proper detailed comic update. For Amanda's first change I felt like this was a fitting lenght, but it's possible that in future updates I do multiple dice rolls if the changes are not to severe.

I will get to the next part as soon as possible. Until then I really hope everyone will have a good time reading it :)

*SPOILERS*    While reading this comic you might scratch your heads what and why this happened to Amanda and Jessica. Let me explain. 

The Joker fields sixth possible penalty was to the character to swap their last change with one of the other characters last change. I was about to reroll the dice since there was no previous change, since this was the first round, but then I had an evil idea. Technically our mind is a constantly changing thing so why not do a good old boody swap, and when I rolled Jessica as the other player I had a huge grin on my face. I just had to do things like this. It was just poetic justice for these two characters. I really hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did.




Interesting, so I'm assuming that the choices for the 5 colors will stay until Amanda's (in Jessica's body) turn again? Curious to know how this will turn out. When do you think the last 1 or 2 parts will be released?


So good


I don't recall body swap being an option. Bit of a boring one.


the dialog was was enjoyable keep it up


age swap would've been way better


To be fair, 4 out of the 5 winning ideas were boring and unoriginal. Let the creator have a bit of fun.

Bal tha mele

Amazing 😍😍😍


I'm sorry to hear it, but this will be a long game and a kot of things can still happen. Also, I wrote down in the description why this happened. It was a Joker penalty and not the five voted on options.


I wrote down in the description why this happened. It was a Joker penalty and not the five voted on options.


I will work on some other projects, then I get back to this comic. Also, there will be two more rolls in this round, Rachel is next and after that Jessica (in Amanda's body) Poor girl got screwed over two times. Then a new round start with Amanda (in Jessica's body) with brand new penalties.


I actually prefer it this way... it's like freaky Friday.... But I don't think they're going to learn the same lesson 😉


....need to do a reality or personality shift option now to make the minds match the bodies...maybe... who knows who would get it


I personally think it's a lot of fun to see them in each others bodies with their mind intact, but you have a nice idea as well. You can suggest it for round two if you want :)


lucy mom 2 roll in 1 round XD


Is there any rough schedule for this series?


Well, I want to make one round per month if possible. This could include 2 or 3 parts, depending on how difficult are the changes.

Jebediah Kerman

gotta say netflix has spoiled me in more than tv apparently in comics as well