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Hey guys!

The time has come to close the first rounds voting for the new game, and I can't believe how many of you participated, I mean just... Wow! I was blown away. I never expected such a huge interest in this series. Thank you everyone for your support.

There was so many new and good old classic ideas, and as you probably remember, this time the 5 most voted on ideas will represent the five different colored tiles on the board game for the first round. So, who knows which player will get which penalty. 

Here are the results when I closed the poll at 592 votes!

First place (Red) - The player thickens with hip and butt expansion (77 votes)

Second place (Green) - The player undergoes a moral degeneration (62 votes)

Third place (White) - The players breasts grow larger and start to leak milk (53 votes)

Fourth place (Blue) - The players clothes change to a tight slutty mini dress and high heels (46 votes)

Fifth place (Purple) - The player turns 21 years old (42 votes)

I will start working on it as soon as possible, probably ending the month with Amanda's first change, since I want to do much longer and detailed updates for this series. 

Also. for those who are wondering about the Anniversary comic. I'm currently working on the next larger part which should be ready this Sunday or next Monday.

Thank you everyone, and please stay tuned.



Hell yes! This is going to be so awesome!


moral degeneration!! yay hopefully one lands on it!!


I'm betting on White!


these selections are so weak it needs to be something that can happen multiple time you can only turn 21 once THINK people THINK


That's not entirely correct. Since the aging to 21 years old has won in round 1. it can't be suggested for round 2. But it can be suggested in round 3. again. I created this rule so people must suggest new things every time and not the same ideas all over again until they win.


Well, it's not easy to explain, but if you ever read a hentai manga that has moral degeneration in it, it's easier to understand. But to put it simple, the mind of the character is messed with, distorting their personality and moral values. Making the person act out of character, usually more lewd.


Well. the list is quite long, but I personally like these two examples. https://nhentai.net/g/316247/ https://nhentai.net/g/310252/ or you can pick one out from here https://nhentai.net/search/?q=moral+degeneration&page=1


I read a lot of great manga and hentai which are definietly a good inspiration source, but I get ideas from a lot of different places as well. Other fantastic artists, old movies, or many times, something just clicks in my breain and boom!

tryhardheavy YouTube 209 club

Well I love your work I'm especially exited for that anniversary one I have alot of great predictions can't wait to see what you do with it


Thank you. Yeah, I think the Anniverasary will have at least two more parts before done. I spent too much time on The Game Night instead of the other one.

tryhardheavy YouTube 209 club

I'm not complaining these are huge projects you're working on and doing it on your own is no walk in the park this stuff takes time and practice a great artist should never be rushed


Glad to see that my suggestion was well recieved with you Sitri. Personally i think you should play a bigger part in the selection process so that the same stale transformations dont win every time. Like putting the top 3-5 suggestions in a random selector and taking it from there. Sure you might disappoint some people, but theres a big group with more "exotic interests" than your standard bimbofication/nympho transformation. Of course, you do you. Ill support you never the less as you're by far the best artist when it comes to tf. (Imo). You havent produced a single thing that didnt appeal to me yet, keep up the insanely good work!


Not just with me, but for a good amount of people as well. We'll see if it will be a winner in the first round. And thank you very much for liking my comics that much, it means a lot :)