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Hey guys!

The time has finally arrived to suggest the "Trials" first penalties. You can pretty much submit anything you would like to see, but if the idea has some technical or practical difficulties I might ask you to add another one. 

But please try to add just one idea and not a super complex multy TF one. Or maybe start a little slow and then build up the heat in the following rounds, but that's just my opinion.

And plese take in account that just because AMANDA is the first one to get a penalty, the other 2 girls will have the same suggested penalties as well. So try to think ahead.

Also, just some examples what ideas you can possibly suggest.

  • It can be a simple, moderate or major physical or mental change.
  • Some kind of activity that they must complete during one round.
  • Different constructs can appear magically that they can or must  interact with.
  • They can also have interactions between each other, but in this case you CAN'T specify the partners or pairings. That will be decided by luck.
  • There can be even some penalty with a positive effect, like do this or that and you can regain some stats or get rid of some extreme modification.
  • But these are just some examples. At the end it will by all aup to you guys... hehe


There are a few rules that everyone should follow when submitting ideas.

  • Don't ask for gore.  I really don't like to make them.
  • Underaged (The characters can get much younger, but then no mature content)
  • No racist jokes. But racial TF is still ok.
  • Please, no political or religious things. I know everybody has an opinion, but I don't want to hurt anybody.
  • No torture or rape, but humiliation is fine.
  • Please don't ask to kill the character..
  • Please, no novel sized transformation sequence.

This list might change in the future. And if you have any question before submitting your idea, please feel free to do so :)



Fashion swap, causing change in fashion style and then enhanced. Example: changes with her daughter, daughter loses all goth looks about herself while Amanda becomes the BTGG


Become thicker with wider hips and bigger butt


Oh! The clothes change is a really good idea, but it would be random who get's which style. So if amanda lands on your tile, it would be decided by luck which other clothes she swap with. Is this okay?


Ya thats fine, I used the daughter as the random example lol


Increase in body temperature so wearing normal clothes is uncomfortable...they need to show some skin!


Physical Effect:: cardi b nails or extreme stiletto/wild stripper nails


To be honest, I don't really undrstand what you try to say. It sounds way too complicated and it would unnecesarily make the game more difficult to follow. But the nails or the super high heel could work just fine if you can settle on just one of those.

A Big Guy

How about they need to make out with one of the other players?


Interesting idea. So that would make them remove their uniform west, or unbutton their shirt?


I think that would be a bit early but if you really want that it's fine by me. But by make out, you mean just kissing, right?


I will correct it was typing on a tablet going through the stat sheets ... seeing the lust and mental fortitude I thought those would be good metrics to work off of


Since it s just started: a girly girl make up(like pink nails blush ect.) It would work on any of them at this point.

A Big Guy

I was thinking just kissing, but I can suggest something else for now and come back to that next round. How about instead the player ages up like 10 years or so?


I think the kissing would be fun. It's so out of nowhere, everyone would just blink what the hell happened... hehe


Well those stats can't really be changed directly with your ideas, unless some physical or mental change makes them.


thunder thighs!


Longer, blonde hair (maybe like a dirty blonde to start?)


Fashion change to a tight mini dress with high heels and classic housewife make up


got it I will try to figure how to incorporate a stat change with the dice roll. Stats effect:: increase lust, decrease mental fortitude, Increase IQ ... depending on where they land on the board + number on the die... just some silly thoughts


Her breasts start inflating and leaking milk.


How big would you like to have them? Maybe a little moderate for the first round?


Sure, let's go with that. They grow obviously bigger, but not ridiculously big.

Boyce Pond

High heels


Everyone becomes 21 years old and is mentally adjusted to match.


clothing gets more slutty and revealing

Grant Nordin

How about a huge muscle gain with tan lines?



I don't understand fully what I'm suppose to be submitting so I'll start with the first change for Amanda, She becomes her daughters super slutty sister, which means she drops in age and well acts like a mega slut, things that would occur due to this is her boobs getting perkier and bigger because she becomes younger, wardrobe possible change or simply she starts removing articles of clothing because well she is a slut now


please give input on what to do Sitri, so that I can participate fully


Well you can't really add a specific change for a single character in this game. Five changes will win this voting that will represent the five different colored tiles on the board, and we can't predict who will land on which tile after their roll. So if you want age regression, that's fine but it is possible that not Amanda will land on that field, but instead Jess or Rachel, making them way too young to participate in adult themed penalties in the future, which would be a shame. I hope thic clarifies how will this work. Oh and only one change please, so no multiple ones like you described above. You had age regression, personality change, and wardrobe change in one post.


I don't think this is possible because these would be multiple changes. The obsession would be an interest change, and the goth look a makeup change. And if the clothes get altered that is a wardrobe change. And piercings are another one as well. So, can you settle on a single one please.


Muscle gain and tan lines would be two different changes, so can you pick a single one please?


Both of your ideas are possible, but since everyone can add one idea, can you pick only one please?


It's possible if you really want that, but I don't think it would make a huge difference for Jess and Rachel, since they are 18. Not much would change for them in any ways.


Sure that's possible. Tho Amanda is already wearing high heels, but It could be changed to a real slutty super high heel if that works for you.


I think I start to understand what you want. You want to change their manin stats right? But sadly those numbers are fixed, except for the IQ level, wich can be lowered by simply reducing IQ. The lust meter can be raised by some naughty penalty, and the Mental Fortitude can be changed by some body or mind alteration. But you can only add one idea like everyone else. So what should it be?


May I suggest a 20 year age progression? That way whomever lands on it may become a possible milf or a gilf? Lol this looks to be a pretty interactive game you've started. Awesome work Sitri!


Alright now I understand how this works, instead I'm going to go with unending lactation.


I'm not sure about the gilf, but if that's what you really want to suggest. I have nothing against it :)


Lets stick to Physical Effect:: cardi b nails or extreme stiletto/wild stripper nails


Lose 30 IQ then choose another player to lose 30 IQ and gain the trait Sadist or double the effect on yourself (- 60 IQ) while also gaining the trait Masochist.


Occult Obsession: One of the other two would go from being mad at Jessica for spending so much on this item and getting them into trouble, to sharing in her interest and viewing her purchase as a steal. The recipient simply cannot comprehend how she never understood Jessica. If Jessica lands on the change, she becomes doubly obsessed to the point she is very irritated that the other two just cannot understand her or what a valuable item she has.


I think a one time IQ loss or gaining a new trait could work, but not together because that would be two different ideas. So can you please just choose one.


I think it could work if I just add increasing occult interest. To Rachel and Amanda it would give them the same interest like Jess has. But for her it could turn into obsession and would get a little crazy about it. What do you think?


Okay then. And would it be okay if it would be a moderate growth if your idea wins? Just to kick up things slow.


Moral degeneration


Sounds good, it would also work well with your joker space. If Amanda or Rachel got occult interest and then get it doubled on the joker space, it could become an obsession. I'll try to post small Ideas to keep your joker space relevant. So Occult Interest, doubled = Occult Obsession.


Okay In that case remove the Traits aspects. If you rather it be random and make it a roll instead of choosing an opponent I’m fine with that. Lose 30 IQ, then choose another player to lose 30 IQ or double the effect on yourself (- 60 IQ).


If a character would land on your IQ reduction field, it can only affect the player that's on that field at the moment and not all 3 of them.

Jakken Haggar

Size Steal - The player steals some centimeters in body height from another random player. E.g. the player gains 10 to 20 centimeters (= 4 to 8 inches) in height, the other loses this much