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Casting Couch 2 - Bree Love - Round 3 voting.

  • She's turning into a Korean K-pop singer. (race change) 40
  • She's turning into and Afro-American rapper (race change) 17
  • She's getting shorter and turning into a thick cute goblin girl. (species change) 14
  • Her personality changes from bitch to diva. 31
  • Her hair and mekeup style changes to a 1950's housewife style. 14
  • Her talent to play music turns into dancing. She can't stop dancing differently for every music genre she hears. 14
  • Her personality switches to a bimbo . 30
  • She becomes a bar singer with a sexy seductive voice and can't stop acting voluptuous and sexy, like Jessica Rabbit. 80
  • She's turning into a vampire with fangs, claws and a paler skin. (species change) 11
  • Her hair grows longer, but remains the same two toned. 8
  • She's turning into a cow girl with a secone pair of big milky breasts and several cow features like tail, ears hooved legs, horns and so on. 26
  • She's turning into a mixed asian and arabic girl. (race change) 46
  • She's turning into an angel, and her guitar changes to a harp, she plays beautiful soft music with. Her tattoo changes to something cute. 4
  • 2021-02-24
  • 335 votes
{'title': 'Casting Couch 2 - Bree Love - Round 3 voting. ', 'choices': [{'text': "She's turning into a Korean K-pop singer. (race change)", 'votes': 40}, {'text': "She's turning into and Afro-American rapper (race change)", 'votes': 17}, {'text': "She's getting shorter and turning into a thick cute goblin girl. (species change)", 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Her personality changes from bitch to diva.', 'votes': 31}, {'text': "Her hair and mekeup style changes to a 1950's housewife style.", 'votes': 14}, {'text': "Her talent to play music turns into dancing. She can't stop dancing differently for every music genre she hears.", 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Her personality switches to a bimbo .', 'votes': 30}, {'text': "She becomes a bar singer with a sexy seductive voice and can't stop acting voluptuous and sexy, like Jessica Rabbit.", 'votes': 80}, {'text': "She's turning into a vampire with fangs, claws and a paler skin. (species change)", 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Her hair grows longer, but remains the same two toned.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': "She's turning into a cow girl with a secone pair of big milky breasts and several cow features like tail, ears hooved legs, horns and so on.", 'votes': 26}, {'text': "She's turning into a mixed asian and arabic girl. (race change)", 'votes': 46}, {'text': "She's turning into an angel, and her guitar changes to a harp, she plays beautiful soft music with. Her tattoo changes to something cute. ", 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 24, 17, 59, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 335}


Hey guys!

It's Wednesday and your new ideas are in, so that means it's time to decide Bree's third change. How will she serve the needs of the Abyss Theatre's guests.

You decide!

The voting will go till Friday midnight (central european time)



please don't go jessica rabbit T_T, she has been beaten to death by so many people, gorgeous to be sure but I guess I've seen too much of her.


Too bad we have two similar race changes with the Korean one and the half Arabian-half Asian one, this might split the vote and hijack both...


Sadly I couldn't avoid it. The two ideas were too different to post as one.


#stopthecount #recount2020 ;) Jokes apart, I miss your RC transformations, they're the best ones on the net! Maybe you could devote a voting round specifically to RC the next time, so that at least one RC option would go through. I'm sure many of your patrons would love it and probably nobody would be bothered by it.


Looks like everyone wants Bree to act and sing like Jessica Rabbit. So that will just change her personality and mind right? Will that mean that her race, species, gender, age, height, hair, or style changes can still be altered in the next one since her clothes, body, and personality/mind have/will change already right? 2 more chances left to change her into an Asian or even a guy(would be awfully hilarious seeing a lingerie wearing, huge natural assets having, sexy singing, Asian guy singing on stage. I would laugh my ass off if that were to happen).


Ohh wait, I forgot that the 5th and final change has to be what job she'll have to do at the theater. So does that mean only 1 change left after this possible personality/mindset change?


So many questions, ut yes, you're right about almost everything. Her mind technically can still be changed as well including her IQ. Because she will still know who she is or was, only her personality and behaviour will change. But I don't think it should, it's much more fun if her mind remains intact. The rest of the options are still fair game. And yes, it would be hilarious if she would end up as you described :D


I think that would be the case normally, but it would be weird if she ends up as a toilet cleaner while being a sexy bar singer and stage performer. So, I think I will ask the voters in a separate question if everyone agrees that she should be a bar singer or not. If not, then the last round changes her job. You think this is acceptable?


Oh thank you very much, I love race changes too, that's why I make them... hehe :) But don't worry, I have more of them coming sooner or later, in fact I have two short comics in pre production that will be only about that. I'm not sure when will they be ready, but I work on them every time I can.


I think that would be fair and acceptable. If everyone agrees for Bree to be a bar singer/stage performer, would that leave the 5th round open to one more change to Bree?


Okay then, I will do that poll after round 4. And yes, she would have one more change :)


While "funny" might be a thing for some people, I didn't become a patron to Sitri to have "funny" happen in sequences since I'm expecting sexy. Maybe as a side thing that the artist might do for fun but not when its something people pay for, especially when the reason people are patrons is good art and porn.


If you wanted cow porn so badly, why didn't you get with an artist and pay a lot of money for a commission? Not the best way of getting what you really want by going through voting polls.


While I like that in particular, there are other things I like as well. The reason I specifically became a patron to Sitri is because I saw their art on deviantart (which doesn't have any cow stuff as far as I could see, if there was cow stuff it wasn't the deciding factor, so again while I like that its not the only thing I like) and I liked it quite a lot. Sitri offers polls so we can choose stuff we like that goes along with their normal content. When you look at their content on deviantart do you see anything other than erotic stuff? Maybe 2% of it is stuff that isn't erotic and even that is usually a little funny joke within the entirety of a single erotic story. You're suggesting something joke/funny happen on a erotic patreon; everyone here is expecting erotic story type illustrations not jokes and funny illustrations. As Sitri themself actually confirmed they enjoy cow girls themselves and they also fall within the content Sitri normally does. If Sitri was a satirical artist that just drew things in regards to jokes then I wouldn't have joined him and neither would 99% of everyone else here because they saw the artists work somewhere else liked it for its quality and eroticism and joined. I can say the same thing about you Kurt except your suggestion doesn't fall within the erotic normality of the artists normal preview. If you want comedy illustrations then why don't you pay a lot of money and get it commissioned since that sort of thing isn't the norm of Sitri? And I do think voting polls are a good way of "possibly" getting what I want because the majority of the time Sitri draws things that are within the scope of things I enjoy erotically speaking, and that is my entire point and the only reason I became a patron. Thats when a voting pole is a better likelihood, when I already know the artist normally draws certain things so the parameters or scope of things they will draw fit the reason I joined them in the first place. So if a service provider stops providing what they normally do in terms of the content and changes it to something else some customers will not continue to be customers because thats not "what they signed up for". Don't kink shame me just because I expressed my desire for it, I wouldn't have even brought it up if I didn't get confirmation from the artist that that is something they like as well. That doesn't mean I think there would have been bias because the decisions are based on us. In the end I know I'm not the only one that would stop following Sitri if they started drawing comedic stuff instead of what they normally do. At least when I made my suggestion its relevant to what the artist normally does, before you witch hunt someone for their voiced opinion try to realize why everyone else is here erotic art not comedy...


Dude chill, you didn't have to write a novel on why you want to see porn. I made a simple suggestion. I dropped a grand on the boobs galore commission that eris made for me cause that's what I like. I had other commissions made by other 3d artists too. I'm currently getting 2 other commissions done now. I wasn't shaming you. Don't be so defensive. Looks like we're getting a Bree that acts and sings like Jessica rabbit. Keep pushing with your suggestion and see how far it goes.


I'm going to stop talking to you because I don't think we will see eye to eye.