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What did you think of the new Casting couch series?

  • 5-STAR I loved it and I want to see more of it. 78
  • 4-STAR It was okay, I liked it. I could read more of it. 163
  • 3-STAR It was a meh! If there is nothing else I can read another one. 57
  • 2-STAR Sorry, but I really didn't like it. 31
  • 1-STAR I don't want to see any more of this series! 10
  • 2021-01-12
  • 339 votes
{'title': 'What did you think of the new Casting couch series?', 'choices': [{'text': '5-STAR I loved it and I want to see more of it.', 'votes': 78}, {'text': '4-STAR It was okay, I liked it. I could read more of it.', 'votes': 163}, {'text': '3-STAR It was a meh! If there is nothing else I can read another one.', 'votes': 57}, {'text': "2-STAR Sorry, but I really didn't like it. ", 'votes': 31}, {'text': "1-STAR I don't want to see any more of this series!", 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 12, 11, 0, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 339}


                                                    PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE VOTING!

Hey again!

So, the first comic of the new Casting couch series is done. I'm really curious what did you think of it in general. And by this, please think of the series as a whole, the lenght, the format, the structure. And not just the changes from round 4.

I have some new plans for 2021 that I will share very soon, and if you liked this quick comic format I plan to build it into those plans. So please just be honest.

Thank you :)



Liked the idea. Second to last change was too odd for me


I liked how it started, but lost interest after the anime transformation...


Well it was fun overall got to see some fun ideas how they will look like in 3D. I realy like the setting it was in.


Same, I liked the idea and format. For me there could be 1 or 2 rounds more. But when you only can change things once it would be difficult to implement more rounds.


I would have chosen " 5 star- Loved it until the anime transformation" if that was an option


A kind of "Titanic syndrome", too many people to pilot the ship ... and it ends up in the wall ... For me, the fourth round killed the series, it's realy pity... :(


Aside from the anime aesthetic, I loved the outcome. I get that you were doing what was voted on, and I don't blame you for that at all. I think it was just one of those things that sounds good on paper but when it comes to execution, it just doesn't fit. I don't think anyone could have done better without going into a lot more detail with how the changes were to manifest and having that with a large group of people is next to impossible. I don't want to come across as just bashing on your work cause I really like it 99% of the time. So I hope this was at least coherent.


I really liked the sudden personality change. Would like to see more in future comics!

Some Guy

It was fun, I still prefer longer sequences, but if you wanted to do these between a pick you poison or other story event I wouldn't be opposed.

Jeroen van den Broek

Same here. Also the sequence was a bit too tame for my liking after that compared to SA's other work.


Anime thing was pretty bad. Was a good concept and started realty well.


Not a fan of the Anime style but if people voted for it what else is there to do .. xD

John Doe 777

I personally, I'm against the whole thing of making people vote to choose what you are gonna create, when I became a patreon I did it because I wanted to see what stories you the artist wanted to create not what your fans wanted to see; I know that you still put your personal touches no matter what the outcome on the polls was, but I think it still loses a bit of the artist full potential. Well this is just my personal opinion, I'm still gonna be a patreon no matter what you do, you are a great artist! I just wish to see a story(comic) without the fans interference and 100% of your ideas in a project.


I get what you mean. This series was meant to be a short one to fill out time while I work on other things. So please don't worry, I will do more stretched out TF's as well :)


I see. This was a good learning opportunity so i'm sure there will be much better outcomes in the future :)


I guess you're right. I will do better next time.


I understand you. But voting on things was one of the main pillars of my works from the beginning. I'm not sure how could I avoid occasional hiccups like this.


I'm always open to creative criticism, so thank you for sharing your opinion :)


The comic was Okay, but my one critique would be to show full screen shots of the characters. I don't think there was one full screen shot of Erika before or after the transformation.


Thank you for your honesty. You're right, the last third of 2020 was pretty much voted on projects. I plan to change that in this year with a new system that hopefully will have a much better mix of everything.


The only reason I'm giving it a 1 star is because of the god awful choice that won that turned her into a cartoon... These are suppose to be erotic not comical and the opposite of arousing. If a choice like that gets voted again then it should be done as a separate piece that has nothing to do with whats normally expected which is erotic art. You do a great job normally and that is the only reason I'm still subscribed and why I've been subscribed for so long. If something "comical" gets put in again needless to say I won't be interested in staying subscribed.

Some Guy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 11:34:25 Not trying to say your wrong by any means, creating something for yourself how you want it can be very satisfying. I've also had people tell me to do something in a way that wasn't what I envisioned and it could be that they were right but usually you end up hating it, but that only tends to happen when you know what your end goal is. Doing collaborative work can be way more fun from time to time. If you've ever played D&D when another player does something completely unexpected it could make things a lot more interesting.
2021-01-15 03:49:52 Not trying to say your wrong by any means, creating something for yourself how you want it can be very satisfying. I've also had people tell me to do something in a way that wasn't what I envisioned and it could be that they were right but usually you end up hating it, but that only tends to happen when you know what your end goal is. Doing collaborative work can be way more fun from time to time. If you've ever played D&D when another player does something completely unexpected it could make things a lot more interesting.

Not trying to say your wrong by any means, creating something for yourself how you want it can be very satisfying. I've also had people tell me to do something in a way that wasn't what I envisioned and it could be that they were right but usually you end up hating it, but that only tends to happen when you know what your end goal is. Doing collaborative work can be way more fun from time to time. If you've ever played D&D when another player does something completely unexpected it could make things a lot more interesting.


You're right as well. The real question is balance between original and voted on content. Hopefully I can get that healthy balance back.


So you mean I should add at the end of the comic something like a before after picture with the different stages of the transformation?


Sorry for the late reply. I can understand your opinion, and sorry that you were so disappointed. Hopefully the next things will be more to your liking.


No what River is saying is that in this comic and sometimes in others there wasn't a time where you see the full character within the comic when there were clear differences. At the beginning you see her in full but at other parts of her transformation only sections or pieces of her. They aren't asking for something at the end but a better view of the character during the comic. Although you know my standings on this comic already.


I see. I get what you mean. Sometimes I need to play with the camera to make it more appealing for the viewers. Full body pictures tends to leave too much unused empty space around the character and in my opinion, in most cases it doesen't look too good. I guess it's an artistic thing, but I will try to find ways to show the characters more.


Stylistically I could see why you wouldn't want to do this, but a way to trim off the empty space for full body panels would be to do the paneling more like a comic book, where you can have a very tall but very narrow panel next to a stubby panel.


Yes, I did my earlier comics like you described, but it felt better to have a unified standard format. It accelerated work greatly. But I might get back the old format for some occasions.


To avoid things going horribly wrong like that 4th round is to have parameters to the choices available, if you like the style of having us vote and give our opinions on what we want to see (which I do like) then I encourage it; however, parameters should be set so that things like that don't happen, if its a choice that would clearly ruin the comic and turn it away from your usual erotic content then you should remove it from the playing field all together i.e. don't make it an option to be voted on in the first place. These comics and art you do are already digital art the anime aesthetic doesn't work because even in anime they are trying to make them look realistic as best they can (obvious outliers are out there). I don't see a way the anime idea could have been done differently given your art style, there was something similar on botcomics.com I believe called "3 wishes" where a character was turned from a girl that was drawn to human and she got turned into a "disney princess" which did make her look as if she was more cartoon than human, but she still stayed looking like she did enough before to where it was clear she was still an attractive woman but in comparison to herself before she seemed more fabricated than being a real person. I recommend looking it up if you want an idea. That being said that comic is a 2d art style and you do 3d, which is much harder and pulling off what they did art wise will be difficult hence my statement that you shouldn't let options like that see the light of day. I'm not sure what the people that voted on it where thinking, although 90% of the time I go on your patreon with erotic thoughts in mind, so I can understand perhaps not thinking clearly on their behalf. The only other suggestion I have is if you have a vote that wins and you're not sure about how the concept will be received perhaps a preview would have been in your best interest, let us see what her character design will either look like or be similar to. I understand that from your stand point thats not how you do things because you want to surprise people and let them enjoy your art, and usually thats a perfectly fine strategy because the choices people vote on might be somewhat challenging to execute sometimes but this was clearly a different level of an issue. I can't speak for everyone but I would hope even the people that voted on the anime option after seeing a preview would have preferred a different round 4 and would have gladly waited an extra week without being upset at all because we avoided something like that from being completed, I know I would have been more than happy to wait longer for a different round 4 easily. Those are my recommendations, I'm refraining from being harsh because to be honest what happened does bother me and thats why I'm giving you ideas on how to avoid it for next time; having previews may not be your style but it may be necessary in certain situations in order to not cause problems.