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  • Name: Erika Stevens
  • Species: Anime character
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Skin: White
  • Height: 178cm
  • Age: 19
  • Hair: Waist lenght died red with platinum blonde tips
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Body: Slim and fake, artificially enhanced bimbo body
  • IQ: 200
  • Profession: College student
  • Theatre job: ?
  • Personality: Condescending and arrogant
  • Special: Rich family, Top of her class at school, glasses

Erika's fourth change is done and oh boy, this was an interesting one. I made some 3D anime designs before, but this was really a new level for me. I'm pretty sure this one will be not everyones favorite change, but I hope you will have a good laugh reading it.  



Levi Animo

I’m worried about where this is going. It looks really weird.


Her job is a waitress and her mind changes were she likes the changes that have been made to her and is turned on at the idea of serving people and them looking at her new body


Well, anime girl won the last voting, but I get what you mean. It was an unusual change. There is only one more round left from this series and it's over. It most likely will be a mind alteration and a new job for her.


well looks a tad bizarre but i am glad to see something different. The subtitles parts are hilarious


Thanks! Yeah, a 2D character looks a bit strange in a 3D environment. But I think it could be worse.


I've seen some anime in 3D, and when I saw the vote I was worried about the results, but I gotta say I think you make it look amazing


That change worked out well.

Soviet Tank

Brrrr... Creepy, It s "uncanny valley" "as is". You must transform all her body to "chibi like", or make her head more realistic. Here you compound two different anime styles and the result;t is too ugly.

Some Guy

Not trying to be a pain but typically anime characters drawn with large heads and eyes depict them being children or it can be done in a chibi (cute) form to ilistrate an immature reaction to something where they would go back to normal proportions after. Some series with exadurate long legs, small waist and a bit in breast size, but would still have an average head size. Besides the fact I really don't like the new face.


I get what you mean, I was expecting a mixed reaction. Anime type characters are not really meant for the 3D software that I use, so my options were a bit limited. But it was an interesting change that was not explored so far here. Maybe it will be never voted on ever again, so i'm a little glad I could do it regardless :)


Hahaha hahaha as weird as it looks I think it is an amazing change of pace and shows that truly anything can happen not only in this universe, but with the voting as well. The subtitle part was amazing. Love it!


Its not really my cup of tea but still nice work how you made her look


I voted for anime girl but am kinda regretting it. It’s more unsettling than anything


Thank you. Yeah, it's not my best work, but it was an exciting challenge :)


I see. Well, thank you for your honesty. There will be a lot more different transformations in the future, so it might just be a small bump on the road.


This ain't it


Even though I'm glad I had no part in this😂I want to bring good vibes like most of your patrons. It was "comicly" bad pun intended, so definitely still entertaining. Real improvement comes from Trial and error and and willingness to be a good sport about it. This definitely wasn't your best or your normal for that matter because your that good! Cheers and on to the next one!


I imagine the Simpsons Halloween special where Homer becomes 3d and then drops into our world. Then sees the erotic cakes store. Everyone is normal be she is all weird looking.


Interesting change so far, it looks pretty good, but why didn't her areola color change to a darker color? It just blended in with her skin color. Does she have ghost nipples now? Other than that great job once again! Looking forward to the final change.


I didn't choose this option but honestly you did as good as possible given the result of the vote. Looking forward to the next transformation!


Thanks for your honesty. This was kind of a new thing for me and maybe I overestimated my abilities a little, but i'm not regretting doing it. I'm pround of that my patrons can suggest almost everything in these series, it gives me a good challenge.


Thank you. Well there is no texture on her body now to match the head color. If I darken the areola part it becomes like a weird dark plaster. I could only make it look good if I photoshop it every single time. Maybe I correct it in the epilogue.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Hahahahahahaha! I can't stop laughing! :D


You didnt do a bad job. Just the vote must have sounded better than it possibly could have turned out. It was a hard thing to make work. Looking forward to more!


Really disappointing this got the most votes...


Went from attractive to 100% unattractive.