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Hey guys!

I thought it was in order to share with everyone my current status after the "PC incident"

So, I think I got everything back in order again. The Phantom Girlfriend was the project to test out everything that I usually use when I make comics. I began work on it right after I got back my fixed PC. 

It took me 3 days to back up and reinstall everything work related. During work I always run into some issues, like crashing and previously working things not working anymore and not to mention that probably 10% of my saved projects not loaded properly. 

I use a lot of morphs for my figures especially for my demonic imp Sitri. When I reloaded her, her ass bugged out on the screen like some ASSPLOSION! It crashed Daz studio several times. Fortunately I could fix most of these things, but the other common issue was the missing geometry and texture files. Poor Sachiko loaded with her clothes turning into boxes around her, it was kinda sad and hilarious at the same time.

And now about the upcoming projects. I won't lie, this thing completely throw off everything that I planned. Originally I wanted to launch the next Pick Your Poison the next Monday, but I don't have a single picture made yet. 

So this will be the new road map for the month: I get back on the Sabrina Mason ending this week, then I do the next 10$ backer comic next. After that I dedicate all my time and energy at hte next PYP comic, maybe I can even launch it on Halloween and we can turn it into a dedicated Halloween special.

 So, I think this should cover everything work related. At last I really want to thank everyone again for their help and support. I recieved a lot of positive messages and even more technical help to solve my problem. They were all super helpful, and I even learned a bunch of new stuff about my PC. 

And I want to give an ever bigger thanks for Mr. Phoenyxx who helped me solve one of my biggest issue regarding the lights I use for my comics. Without it, I probaly could not produce the current quality. So thank you, you're awesome! 



Gary Birch

Good looks bro 💯 can't wait to see what you come out with next stay safe stay motivated


Glad to hear you've got everything back on track. I know how badly it sucks to lose everything on your computer then having to start over. Despite this setback, I have no doubt that whatever you plan next will be amazing.


Thank you. Yes, it was a good lesson, things could have been much-much worse. I will do my best to make something really fun :)

Mr. Phoenyxx

Happy to help my friend! :) Glad you got most of it sorted out.