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Hey guys!

The voting for the next short comic has come to an end, and oh boy. I think we reached a new, tower high participation record. And not just that, but there was also a super close race between the first and second place as well. They switched places so many times that I lost count. 

But, sadly we can have only one winner. So these are the voting results when I closed the poll.

First place:  A girl wants to help people with charity. She finds a basket of  trinkets, and hands them out, but they are cursed. Everyone gets  corrupted.    (47 votes)

Second place:  A pimp is threatened by two middle-aged white women who demand, he gets  out of their neighborhood. They get transformed into his new girls.   (45 votes)

Third place:  Princess Leia gets transformed into a bimbo twi'lek sex slave.    (35 votes)

Thank you all for the participation, you guys are the best!

And now I would like to share some news for my upcoming projects. You could call it a road map if you want.

The first thing on my list is the monthly 10$ backer reveard that will be completed this weekend, or early next week.

The next upcoming project in the first half of September is the long awaited, final chapter of the Pick your Poison - Sabrina Mason comic. As you probably know I restarted the whole thing once, and then put it on ice next to the Happy Mothers Day comic. But now, work is back on track and I think it will be a worthy closure for the story.

After PPSM, I will begin preparations for the next Pick your Poison series. I was thinking about redesigning some elements, like the lenght, so I can do them more frequently. Also, I will held some polls to determine some detailes, like if you want a victim made by you guys, or I should come up with something creative.

And while the polls are in progress, I might be able to finish the comic that just von the voting befor the start of the next Pick your Poison series. It's still a big "might" but I will do my best.

And of course there will be the monthly 10$ backer comic to end September. So, if everything goes according to plan, I can launch the next Pick your Poison in October.

I hope this gives everyone a good idea what to expect in the next month. If you have any good ideas or remarks how to improve the next Pick Your Poison series, please feel free to write it here of send me a private message. Thanks for taking the time to read this, till next time guys.



aww sad second place didn't win maybe include it in an end of the year version of this??


also hope the girl gets corrupted at the end of the comic!

Grant Nordin

Think you might hold a poll for the objects? You know to specify what transformations will be done?


Do you still plan on finishing TSG


It's still on my "do it" list, but i'm not sure when will I get to it again.


Yes, that's exactly how I did the last one, and I intend to do it again. Every rounds transformation was suggested by you guys and voted on.


I was really surprised by the results myself. Second place was leading all the way until the last day. But it was a truly exciting race, don't you think so?