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Hey guys!

So, I have something important to announce. Everyone probably knows about this tiny little global thing called the C-virus. Fortunately my country is relatively unaffected by it at this moment, or at least our government hides the truth well. 

No matter what the truth is, it just affected my life at the worst possible moment. Don't worry i'm not sick. But luckily I have a super smart  housemate who knows everything better then everyone else, and this Einstein decided to travel to France at the best possible time. 

I don't know what's the situation in France right now and I don't think he gets infected, but I don't have the best immune system to begin with and I'm a little worried. Not too mention that everyone who returns home from abroad must go to a two week home quarantine, and that would iclude me as well.

So right now I have two options. 1. Remain home for two weeks and risk possible infection. 2. Get out for two weeks somewhere. I lean towards the second option, but the problem is, that place is barely ideal for my work on Patreon. I must move everything necessary there and set things up and deal with the disturbing factors.

I will still try to keep my work schedule as usual, but i just can't guarantee anything at this point. So this is the sad situation. I hope everyone will be understanding and patience about this, and that everything goes back normal fast.

Thank you for taking the time to read this through.



Gary Birch

Good luck sir


Be safe that's the most important thing!


France has passed 3000 cases (out of 70M people). All schools have been closed and stay at home work will be advised starting next week to slow down the epidemic or prevent a surge. So, relatively safe for now.


Stay safe!


Twenty thousand people in the United States died this year from the common flu, including my great-uncle. That's 400 people per state, and almost all the people who died were elderly or had pre-existing conditions. Last year, seven hundred thousand people died from aids, which is still technically an epidemic. Please be safe, but please know that compared to these other ailments that exist in the world, this "C-Virus" isn't nearly as devastating. Too many people are caving into fear of this illness.


Thanks, that's a bit reassuring. I'm still a little concerned about the airport or the plane.


Yes, you're absolutely right. I'm not in panic or anything and i'm not buying whole stores and preparing for the end of the world. I just try to act reasonably cautious and make the necessary preparation.


In germany are 100 people more infected by this lazy virus (right now nearly 3200 People). And the people who are infected are just 0,0026% of the complete citizen of germany. 6 died, all in the age between 70 and 90 with heavy desises. That your roomate got infected in france is like a jackpot in lottery. I have, after my cancer operation and the lost of 90% of my stomach a very high risq too. I gotta call from our Health office who told me that I am in a very risqy group. I could even die with my 42 years they said. I should stay home, not visit other people and health workers should buy every week what I need to life. I denied that offer. I don't fear Corona at all. Last year died 110.000 german people because they was passive smoker. In the year 2017/18 nearly 28.000 germans died from a normal flu. 2019 died nearly 300 people from a flu too. Corona is nothing. Just a lot of panic made from press to increase their views and corrupt money makers who sell worthless breathmasks for hundreds of euros. Don't worry to get affected my friend. Look that you got a good soap, wash your hands every time after you used them on things other people can use too in your home, maybe look for some desinfaction spray and a head mask if you want. If your buddy got infected and carry it with him it will be in his clothes and everything he use, like Smartphone or other items he touched. So you can stay away for 2 weeks and after your return you get infected too because you used the same house telefone as he did. And to get real good informations visit the Johns Hopkins University. They have amazing informations and an interactive map which is always up to date. Here are the links: Information Page: https://hub.jhu.edu/novel-coronavirus-information/ Interacitve Map: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6


Hooah! I'm giving you a cross-country fist-bump right now. This whole thing is nothing more than an over-exaggerated scare that far too many people, especially in politics and the media, are letting dictate their lives. Now markets and livelihoods all over the world are suffering for it. Last I checked, there was still an AIDS/HIV epidemic going on, but nobody's throwing a fit over that. Hell, I just read a story about nine infected pregnant women in China who gave birth to healthy babies who showed no trace of the virus. I guarantee you that wouldn't be the case for anyone who had AIDS or, God forbid, the Ebola virus. Newfound respect for you.


And at least my friend, if nothing helps and your roomie turn into a corona zombie make Shaun's plan: Take a car, go to mum, kill (Phil) nobody, grab (Liz) your GF, go to the "Winchester" (very important), have a nice cold pint and wait for all that blow is over!


LOL! I love that movie, and it actually sounds like practical advice for this petty epidemic. With the way things, are going, I may as well go to a bar and wait this whole wave of stupidity out. It's a shame I don't drink, though.


C-Virus messing with everyone. If it means keeping you healthy, waiting for new stuff is a small prize to pay. Take as much time off as you need, and be well. :)


I’m from France. Schools are uni are closed, and gathering of more than 100 people forbidden. If you just want to come for the landscapes and towns, no problem at all (still wash your hands tho). If however you wanted to visit museums, or other popular attractions, it’ll be harder. You can come but stay away from hospitals and the cluster regions.


You have to take care of yourself 1st.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Just do what you have to do to stay healthy Sitri. That is all that matters. :)