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Hey guys!

The voting for the Pick Your Poison series round 4 has ended with a pretty  close victory for getting larger, lactating natural breasts, with the urge to touch them

To be honest, I was really surprised about this outcome, and I think that's the real beauty of these votings. You truly never know the result until it's over :) 

I will start working on this tomorrow, so you can expect it on Monday!



aww i was hoping for a tie.


I know what you feel. I personally was cheering for the short stack TF, but that's how it is I guess. We always have a next time, right?


Wow, was really hoping for something else, but it's what the majority wanted. It will look good, regardless...


Next time, I promise will vote for or even suggest the shortstack option. You're the one putting in all the time and effort to make these comics, it's only fair that you should get to see what you want.


Thank you that's really kind of you, but I really don't want to infuence others with my opinion :)