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Hey guys!

I'm back with something new again, and this time it's the first third of my Septrender comic. I got permission to post it earlier, so please I would like to ask everyone to not share it anywhere else if possible, at least for some time.

It might not seems too much for now, but this comic will also be a hybrid animated comic with a type of transformation that I did not do many time before, but please, let me surprise you with it.

I will release the remaining pages in the next week, so you don't need to wait too long for the continuation.

I hope everyone will like what I have ready for now, and please stay tuned for the continuation.



Cory Hummel

This looks interesting. Curious what changes are coming.


Thank you. It will be someting new that hopefully will be to everyones liking :)


Hi Sitri, I gave a question... It is the same place of the end of "The live stream Room" ?