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Hey guys!

Sorry for the silence, but I was just released from the hospital an hour ago and i'm finally at home in my sanctuary of peace and Star Wars. The operation was a success and while I don't wish to talk about the details and what it was exactly, thankfully it was treated before it could have turn into something worse and potentially life treatening. You can't imagine how relieved I feel right now.

I want to thank everyone for all the good wishes and support you showed me on the last post and on Discord. I can't say how lucky I feel to have all of you here. Thank you all!

Originally I wanted to post immediately how the operation went to relieve everyone once the anesthesia went out of my system. So, the next morning I tried to use my tablet, I asked the nurse for the wifi password like any normal human being and she looked at me dumbfounded. Sorry, but we don't have Wifi here. Okay I thought, I have mobile internet on my phone... which was down due to some regional hardware issue, and they were veeery sorry for the inconviniences.

I was there in the bed, unable to move. Me, the useless tablet and phone, and the old guy in the next bed who gave out sounds resembling a diesel generator. So much for sleeping that night. And this is how two days went on. Just me and my thoughts. This is what prisoners must feel in solitary confinement. Thank god my family visited me as much they could. I don't even know what would have I done if I had to be there for a week or more. You probably heard it in the international news.

So, I will most likely rest for the weekend and gather strenght and get back to render boobies. This was already a shitty month, and nobody needs to remind me of it. So at least I will try to make the end of it a bit more enjoyable.

So, thank you all once again, and If somebody wish to talk to me directly, I will be on Discord today and the weekend.



Hey I'm just glad you're okay.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Glad you are OK! Rest up and heal up!