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Hey guys!

This is just a fun idea of mine to make the comic a little more personal for the viewers and my Patrons. It's not mandatory or anything, so don't worry.

As you probably noticed in the comic, there is a comment section on screen where the viewers of the Live Stream share their mind.

Those commenters can be you guys! If you want to of course.

So, if you wish to "write" a comment for Alice you can do so in this posts comment section down below and I will add it to the next update of the comic. I'm not sure how well this will go (I hope good) but if there are too many comments I might need to select between my favorite ones.

If you wish to participate, please just write the comment down below. If you want your username to be displayed next to the comment please mention it in the comment. Or you can remain Anonymous if that's what you want. In that case, write Anonymous next to your comment.

I hope you will like my idea.



1. "She's a better cheerleader now than when we started. The goth is just a bonus... ok, a very nice bonus". 2. "Ooo... just looked up the stats on that TF package. Nicely done". 3. "Ya know, she's so much nicer now that the 'dumb' is kinda cute. 'Would make bad decisions with' 10/10". -As always, name is fine. Either or.


As much you've been a "joy" to talk to Alice I think you need an attitude adjustment. What do you say guys let's make Alice more honest about the cum slut she is and drop her i.q. 20 to 60 points lol.