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Hey guys!

I completely forgot about this post last night, so get it out befor I go on my short break.

First, the big question.

As I was flipping my calendar I noticed that next month will be Mothers Day again. Last year I did a special, suggested and voted by you guys and it was a big success. So I was thinking to ask all of you if you would like to see another one next month. If so, just tell in a comment. If there is a big enough demand I will have a poll for your ideas.

And now to a bit more serious topic.

I was waiting with this post because I was unsure about the avaiable information, but many of you probably heard from someone that there are issues again with Patreon and it's guidelines. To put it short, they becoming more strict again with adult content creators. Thanks to this many artist already announced that they leave Patreon for good.

I had considered it myself, but after a long conversation with other adult content creators we come to the conclusion that we might be in the green... for now at least, but we must be much more careful with what we do, and how we do it, especially when it comes to adult intercourse. So much for artistic freedom again, right? I never did too much adult scenes thus far, i don't even think i'm that good making them, and moving forward I might do even less just to be absolutely sure.

This still does not exclude my exodus in the future, which would be devastating after this amazing community came together in a shared love for TF comics. But this is still in case of the worst case scenario, so there will be no changes for now.

But this whole situation made me painfully aware how horribly ill prepared I was if I would be silence without warning. I have no other direct communication channel to anyone. I want to change that as soon as possible

So I was thinking to launch a public Discord or an X account for communication purposes. Tho I have no clue how to set up or maintain such a complex public platform. And not that I have the free time to manage them and always be avaiable there. I sometimes have issues with my own Discord. I'm quite an introverted type so I have trouble with communicating. So if someone has any ideas, suggestions or proposals how this works, I would love to hear them.

So that's it. Sorry for the long post, but I fekt that everybody needs to know these things. I will keep everyone updated if I hear something new.

Thank you for your attention.


Cory Hummel

Glad you are staying here


I would be really disappointed if you were to stop making intercourse content


Yeah, me too. But I will figure something out to not change much for the future. Maybe I have to upload such scenes separately somewhere else. But I will notice everyone if that happens.

jc pono

Creating a Discord is easy the main problem is managing it and keeping it safe. I’d recommend getting like a group of people and have them as moderators