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Hey guys!

I'm sure everyone was expecting something else for today, but sadly I slipped up on the storyboard and script on Saturday. Since this comic comes out on very tight schedule, that was enough to mess things up.

It didn't mattered that I worked on it all night, there are still roughly 10 more pages to render and then to edit all the pages.

So you can expect the new pages very late tonight (CET) or early tomorrow at latest.

Also this will mean that the Idea Dump period will be shorter as well this time, so for all $5 and $10 tier members, you should start thinking about your ideas in the meantime. The Idea Dump will be also up when the comic is done.

Really sorry again, but I will try to hurry up.


Cory Hummel

Take your time. You have my support


Take care of yourself, take care of your health, and always remember a late Comic is only late until it comes out