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Soon: Royalty-free ambient music forthcoming by Eye One Fifty

My band is now producing rock-style ambient tracks for TTRPG and other commercial usage. Are you looking for music to use on your stream, in your game, in your social posts, and ttrpg products? This is for you! Comment if your interested.

Sample Mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ve9kx7ksi1x44z6bqr2wr/jam-2-13-24.mp3?rlkey=hbsvrl25r2lv7fzdi0gghemv8&dl=0 

Pictures and other band stuff at: eyeonefifty.com 

Tomb of the Blight Lich, Remastered. [100%]

My Blight Tomb is redone, from the ground up here's a small subsection to compare. I plan on releasing later this week.



Adventure PDF [95% complete]

This is in preparation for the 50-page adventure by the same name. I've play tested it and modified the adventure and map based on what works. Coming soon.


Additionally, working on an ice cave battle map and will be starting up on it again now that the Blight Tomb is done. Not much to show for it yet...

Ice Cave




Pretty cool music sample :)

Dread Maps

If you have any specific needs, please let us know. We're just getting into this space so we'd love to be useful to you