Endless Tower
- Night club 2
- Parking Garage 3
- Penthouse Suites 4
- Rooftop 3
- Data Center 3
- Agency Shooting Range 0
- Arcade 2
- Gym / Spa 3
- Sewers 1
- Bank 2
- Big Boss Room (Entire Floor is dedicated to a massive office / living quarters) 9
My last two map packs were a stark switch in theme and genre but I still believe that you can fit modern and sci-fi scenarios into any campaign, even a classic fantasy one.
I will be revisiting this modern/sci-fi theme again in the future and figured I'd ask here what I asked on my Discord: If I were to continue the tower, what levels would you find most enjoyable to play a scenario on?
If you've seen heist or spy movies then you'll already know these floors can be hella-fun given the right context!
Go to the voting poll at the bottom!