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I know it's been awhile since a proper update. My apologies, all. I wanted to take a moment to fill everybody in.

There's been a lot of hard real life stuff here. Some intense depression and relationship issues, my roof falling into disrepair, and some major creative struggles as a result.

Firstly, I couldn't have gotten through it without your support. So thank you. I hope these doodles at least reassure some folks that I haven't fallen off the map. And there is hopefully more coming this week.

Secondly, I've been doing a lot of thinking during the downtime about what I want to spend time on. Turn hasn't seen an update in awhile despite me having at least some to share. The boss respawn bug has been fixed, there's a checkpoint after long cutscenes now, etc, but as I mature as a developer it gets harder and more painful to force older amateur code to work in the longer term. That, and I only recently got a demo version of the second boss music from one of the composers. If there are any Turn fans in the audience, let me know how you feel about the project, because it might be taking more out of me than it's worth.

I say that, yet I still spend hours when I can't draw playing with other projects. An example.

Long story short, I'm here. New stuff coming soon. Wrestling with creative roadblocks. Now that I'm emotionally capable of coming back in earnest trying to determine where best to spend my time. Thank you again so much. It means a lot you were able to stick around.



Kalani Bluesturm

Glad to know you are getting back on the rails, we all go.through those times and need a much needed break


I'm new here (like real new) but you got this! Everyone hits roadblocks creatively and irl. Do what makes you happy and the rest will take care of itself (and I know the support of a random interneter may not be much, but hope the kind words of a new fan will at least put a smile on your face for a sec).

Xaziana Tenebris

I still haven't been able to find your game anywhere 😕


I like the idea of Turn! It's a cool setting, and the idea of a TF based platformer is awesome! That said, I wouldn't be heartbroken if you called what you have a tech demo and moved on to another project

Zachary Ninetails

Hi Cora, I'm really excited for Turn and love the demo so far. I'm glad you were able to take a step back and take care of life things for a bit. I patiently (and eagerly!) await your next update. Cheers!


I love the Freya Crescent drawing.

Little Napoleon

Wow, your isometric idea has evolved leaps and bounds since the last iteration! It looks incredible :o No need to apologize! I just hope things get less better for you soon D: Love the DeltaRune fanart you doodled and hope you enjoyed the latest chapter if you had a chance to play!

John Do

I like sketch #8! You should do a few more in this style! Looking forward to seeing your next update and thanks for keeping us in the loop!


I like the game Turn, but if you are getting blocked by old code, and want to try newer better programs do it! The support is for fun art and to see you grow!