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We're about 3-4 pages away from the end of where the original Critical Condition left off! That means we'll definitely be wrapping it up in March.

So to give you ample time to vote, here are your choices for the next comic, brought to you by discussion over on our Discord. There were a lot of suggestions.

Some honorable mentions include Deadbeat, a return of Justice Punishment, a Turn prequel, and animations. We can't include 'em all, sadly. Below you'll find the older comics in case newcomers need them.

The Cell
Amber In Arcadia 



Ugh such a hard choice. I want to see more Inheritance but The Cell is so good

Jennifer Miller

Same boat. I love the slow turning into wolf girl, but I also wanna see preggo spot.


How about making a sequence from that lewd zebra mom post like it was discussed before?

Jon G

It's a pitty that Deadbeat didn't make it because I feel it needs just one more page to show the aftermath. Feels like we don't get to see the whole mental transformation without seeing our happy deadbeat turned breeding bitch in her new life. Quick edit: But I'm happy to read more of all your work, Inheritance being my second favourite, I just hunger for complete closure in all things I get invested in.


Voting for The Cell, because I kinda wanna see more people reacting to transformation, rather than instant promiscuity. Slowly lead into it, let them accept that they want to try things out.

Erin Mather

I'd love more Amber. The queen promised not to affect her mentally, but said nothing about physically.


Why is there no option about revisiting Palmyra and the boys/girls and see which of them gets knocked up by a rampant Tabby cat first?


The Cell and Inheritance needs to continue!


I want to see The Cell finished


interested in seeing how Inheritance continues