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Turn's first 20-30 minutes is polished and ready for your scrutiny, o' mighty Patrons. Before was merely a glance at the art direction. This is a true vertical slice. The movement, the action, the puzzles and the cutscenes all come together to create something representative of what I imagine for this project.


It's short, yes, but we have reached a critical junction. I need to hear from you. Yes, you. This new section represents the last 3 weeks of my time. A poll will be going up shortly, but before then I want to say this:

I want to do this right. So much love and attention went into this. So much collaboration. So many sleepless nights. I want to work on this between comics, but I also want the community to be on board with that. This represents my best effort. If it breaks through the endless fields of early access porn and stands out I could very much use the encouragement. If it doesn't, I could use the wake up call.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been so patient with me in my weeks of apparent silence. I never stopped.


Jennifer Miller

Alas, I'm on mobile, so it probablu wouldn't work for me. My discord friends keep yelling at me to buy a laptop and it's like "DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THOSE ARE?!?!"


Thank you for your hard work. After finish this DEMO I think the control is pretty smooth with this but some time they may should have key setting or something like that. For the story telling this is pretty interesting.


Just tried it and I'll say I like it. Definitely fills a niche for TF games with platforming/(potential?)metrovania elements. Only possible criticism I could have is it leaves you wanting for more content/bad ends. As far as a breakout goes, continued development and getting the word out about the project is your best bet. Hope to hear more soon.


AAAAAAArrrrrrrr I wanted to see the dragon! ...... good work can hardly wait for it to continue.


That was really fun to play! The fight with the witch was fun and reminded me of Undertale. Can't wait to see more of it! :D


I definitely want to see this project continue.


you know you have a great product when it leaves you wanting more by the end! I suppose the only thing I had trouble with was wrestling with my own idiocy... it took me a solid 2 minutes of key-tapping to figure out how to get past the content-warning screen -_- ' Either way, the movement felt responsive and smooth, the little boss battle was fun and overall it was a tight, well put-together demo! Hope to see more!


You might also want to consider a monthly dev blog, not only to share progress on your game, but it might also provide some catharsis to share your frustrations and roadblocks during game development with your community. They got your back, B!


The general engine and setup is robust. Things to work on: * Text clarity. Zane's name definitely looks like Zone. * Goal clarity. The initial part of the boss fight went on long enough that I wondered if I should be trying to jump up and hit her, instead of just dodging. * Trimming down actions. The pollen generator shouldn't need to be three cycles of blowing, jumping, and filling to get a full charge, on something that you're meant to experiment with and go "oh, there's another TV there, eating the charge"


Now that I've rested and devoured a bit, some less nitpicky comments: Art (Great): The art is very good, and definitely helps set the stage. The work you put in on the 2-d lighting really makes it feel a lot more vivid. Sound (Reasonable): Nothing really outstanding, but it's not bad. UI (Needs Polish): Little touches here could make it a lot better. Being able to set keys, obviously. Having R as the exit when you're already using E to interact feels weird. The 3-hearts could be replaced with something a bit more organic. Perhaps a single heart that fills up luridly, sweating and such until it bursts. Perhaps a little outline of your person, changing and shifting as they take damage. Stylistic Choices - Just subjective things here, so take what you will. * There's definitely a strong humiliation vibe in all your work. A reader can immediately go "Oooh that's Cora" when a character starts shouting out a part of the change(PUSSY!), and then doing it repeatedly when they see that the person is squirming when they hear that word. It's not bad, but it can be overdone a bit. There's definitely room for transformations and reactions that aren't based around that. A person who doesn't mind the change, but is afraid that it could keep going further than what they have. Someone who is intrigued by the idea of a Very Specific Transformation, and is willing to brave the world in the hopes of getting it. Someone who takes a transformation as a new start, a new life that can step away from the old one. * A bit of the lewdness strikes me as... not youtube safe? If that makes sense. Things like the squirting and so on. There could definitely be like a setting in the options to trim those parts, or perhaps make them even more gratuitous. Imagine going into the options and seeing [Lewd], [Staggeringly Lewd], and [Holy Toledo!] as possibilities. * The on-screen transformations could definitely be made to wow with just a slight bit of extra effort. Taking the dragon as an example. Instead of just having the white silhouette tweening between both outlines, perhaps have it do a piece at a time. The tail shoots out, then the snoot stretches long, and the wings jut out. Throbbing, pulsing larger, until the white fades to reveal DRAGON. Making it visceral like that would be amazing. * I do really like the facial expression when the MC realizes they're a bird. o.O In any case, this is definitely the sort of game where the Writing will make or break it, and can push it over the top if done really well. I would very much be open to/enjoy working on writing for a transformative game, especially one with promise like this one. Dunno if you've read any of my stories on FA(fgm01), but that would be a good example of the sort of stuff I write. I tend to be best on character dialogue, differing reactions to changes, and visceral descriptions of transformation. My style is definitely more wholesome and less Staggeringly Lewd, but then again you're a pretty high bar to clear on that one. :P Thanks for the demo! It was a good showcase.

Val Salia

Oh man, this is a really solid foundation for just 3 weeks of workin'! The smoothness of the controls and artstyle/world elements feels really nice; things like the swingy lights + basic shadow system are more than I'd expect from an early demo build like this. The art style is a good balance of being simple but expressive and is definitely a good fit, and the music is a good complement to the whole aesthetic going on. Basically, this feels like a really solid foundation, and one that might be very happy playing a full game in, so good on you on solidifying the foundation here before moving on! The default controls work well enough, but I found myself thinking a lot that this game is one I'd prefer to play with a controller if at all possible, so that might be worth implementing in the next public release, so long as it's not a big time investment. And like others have said, this game *totally* is begging for a buncha Bad Ends. I went back to the witch fight and tried getting hit/killed by a specific type/color of projectile, juuuust in case her question about "egg or live" wasn't just an empty threat >: D All in all though, giving this thing a play has me really excited to see where you'll end up taking this!


Yay, the game is great so far! The controls feel good for a platformer and the art is fantastic! I enjoyed the music and theme so far! Looking forward to seeing more!


This is incredible!


I realize this isn't the case for everyone, but if the primary feeling after finishing is, "I just wish there was more content" then I think I accomplished what I wanted to. Thanks.


I appreciate the thoroughness of this feedback and I had to read it twice to make sure I absorbed it all. Most of your critique is being addressed but I wanted to say a few things. I'm not too concerned about having it be playable on Twitch and Youtube. We live in an era when game developers mute their own music. Once you make the decision to have a Youtube safe version, every creative decision in the future is tainted by that requirement. I'd like to make the game I want to make and then see how feasible it is. Mapping exit to a separate button was initially done to avoid confusion. Walking up to a door, you'd have no other way of knowing whether or not you'd be interacting with it or exiting (I thought at the time). The glowing outlines came later and I'm actually curious, would the color of the outline be a sufficient indication for you that something was an exit? If so, the needless button complexity can be reduced.


Thank you so much Val. Controllers are supported! Did you try one? The only one I've confirmed doesn't work is Nintendo Switch Pro over USB. Nintendo has proprietary USB drivers, for some ungodly reason. Bluetooth works.


Really enjoyed the demo and found myself wanting to see more. Very well done.


Unfortunately I can't get past the content warning. It goes through the splash logo and animates the content warning message and just stays there. I've re-downloaded the files and ran as admin, but the same thing happens each time. Connected two different usb controllers to see if it's just a keyboard and/or mouse input issue, but no difference in behavior. I'll have to give it a go on my laptop to see if there's any differences. Edit: No change on laptop with recently installed OS. Maybe an issue with the current build on itch.io? Edit2: Seems like it was an issue with OneDrive. I had the folder on my desktop and for some reason OneDrive was hung up syncing the file on both systems. Some of the files in Turn_Data folder to be more specific (Didn't note any of the files names at the time.). After forcing the files to be kept for offline use on my laptop and moving over to a secondary drive on my desktop I was able to load past the content warning. So if anyone else has a problem loading and uses OneDrive, that's worth trying. Edit3 (Thoughts): First Impression - Love the art style and just the menu screen got me interested in what's going on in this world. UI: No real complaints here other than the color choice for the menu UI made it a bit harder to follow what was and wasn't selected when trying to set resolution and full screen with all of the screen shake. Maybe reduce the screen shake a bit or use more contrasting colors or have the currently selected item be inverted and mostly the UI button color instead of an outline (Or even just making the brightness more contrasting.) to help make things clearer. Controls (Played with keyboard): Felt responsive, yet forgiving. Felt like I was always in full control of my movement, which is nice. Any time I got hit by a projectile, it was my fault. Keybind choices were odd at first glance, but worked incredibly well! Story: Seems great so far! I'm really curious to see what's going on in this world and what caused these events to unfold. We haven't been given a lot here yet, but no complaints on this front. Graphics: I love the graphic style and lighting effects, things look great. My only note to offer is some of the platforms almost blend in the background (Basically don't pop out much.) and can cause some hesitation of what you can and can't jump on. This may be just because it was the first time playing, and it's something I'll get a feel for quickly. For example the elevated roads you had to jump on seemed like more of background imagery at first. Not the first platformer I've played that had art styles like that, and generally you get used to it. So not a lot of weight to this point.


It looks lovely, especially like the lighting/shadow effects. The platforming is all good and I'm curious how you'll complicate it further on down the line. I'm looking forward to more! Though if you plan to keep and/or use more full screen colour flashes (thinking the white flashes in the witch fight) you might want to keep people with photo epilepsy in mind. I'm no expert but better safe than sorry.

John Doe

I also couldn't get past the content warning. I don't use onedrive and I tried: - running as admin - turning off all antivirus software - running in different compatibility modes - booting in safe mode then running. - fiddling with graphics settings [edit: also tried running in Wine on linux, same issue] So I'm not sure what else to try. All hardware is modern / graphics drivers are up to date.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'll agree that the UI needs fine tuning, but that's a last thing that gets finished in any game. The platforming was solid and fair, and I normally don't love platformers, but the jumping physics worked great for even for playing with a keyboard. Reminds me of a kickstarter Game that Failed, called For My Brother.


Is there any way of skipping dialogue/cutscenes once you've seen them once? If not, omigod there needs to be. I don't usually play platformers, so it took me around 20 goes to get past the pollen witch, and I got so sick of sitting there frantically hammering 'E' while she did her thing with the dragon lady again, and again, and again... and again. It's even possible to get killed and have the fight to restart before you've finished running back to the arena, which means that you're stuck there, getting killed again by the glowing blobs falling from the ceiling, unable to move because you're stuck there waiting for the UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE DIALOGUE to end. Other that that, the demo is great. It already feels very polished, and it looks lovely. Well done.


I really want to play it, but it locked on attention-screen and dont know how to actually start the game Sorry for the awfull english }:c


Fix for that coming in next release, press 'E' to start the game. :)