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Creative writing bit here, news below:


In the not too distant future, humanity is on the brink of self-annihilation. Despite the existence of a true global network and futuristic technologies that allow universal communication, fear and hatred have been steadily building for years.
It is in this climate that the Architects appear; terrifying beings of formless mass with seemingly omnipotent powers. In a proclamation upon their arrival they assert they are the creators of Man, which has been labelled a failed experiment.
The godlike beings allow a single defense. If it can be proven that fifty percent of mankind’s population is good, they will be spared. Mankind pales at the impossible task. Year by dwindling year, emissaries of humanity entreat the Architects to lower the threshold. First to forty percent, then thirty, then twenty, and finally ten. In stunning magnanimity the Architects accept each time.
Upon the Day of Judgement Earth’s population stands at only seven percent good, still a hopelessly failing grade. It is proclaimed that Judgement shall be dispensed forthwith.
The Architects open the door to Tartarus from which crawl an endless army whose ranks are composed of the Architect’s previous failed experiments. It becomes clear that if humanity wants to survive now, it must be ruthless enough to incorporate itself into the ranks of Tartarus.
Even those previously judged to be good succumb to utter barbarism.
It is in this dark hour the Therians arrive; a race of anthropomorphic animals previously judged to be good and spared by the Architects. In defiance of the very godlike beings who spared them they also re-enter Earth - a world they left long ago for paradise - to protect anyone who fights against the Tartarans.
This is the world in which our hero finds themselves. Depressed after having been judged to be insufficiently good, they have lost nearly all hope. Despite this, they are saved by a Therian. The hero is unable to accept that they deserve rescue, but when their rescuer is nearly killed, something awakes inside them...

I'm not sure of the best way to say this, so I'll just lead with it. It's been really difficult for me to work lately. I've been obsessing about deadlines and what has to be done and it's left me sort of paralyzed. While I know that's how a job works sometimes, I've felt for a long time like the quality of my comics is suffering for it.

I hope you'll forgive this detour. I had an idea that I liked and I just wanted to chase something that I felt like doing. So this is nothing more than a flight of fancy; a short bit of writing that I liked enough to concept a bit for. I hope it's something other people like too.



Cale Perry

You draw pretty things


Hey, burn-out is a real thing and can be quite debilitating. Do what you need to do and don't forget to take a break :p you'll feel better for it and I'm sure everyone here understands that as well


Neat. Always had a thing for post apocalyptic scenarios, dunno if you'll ever revisit this idea but I for one wouldn't mind seeing more if that's what you feel like drawing.


I like it, it reminds me of Bird box with a clearer moral to the story. I try to be the main character that doesn't lose hope in my own life but shit does suck right now. It's hard to keep going some days, we all feel it. ❤️

Little Napoleon

I love creative glimpses like these. Thanks for letting it flow and sharing!


Creative works aren't something you can just "do" at anytime, so it's understandable to stumble sometimes. The important thing is to mix a good mix of trying to push through it, and recognizing reality. If you're struggling on work, try and push through a little longer. Maybe you're alomost through, but can't see it. Othertimes you need to step back, walk over to the bench by the wall, take a break and re-examine what you're working on. If you're lucky you might notice a crack in that wall with your new perspective. I'm not sure how any other workloads you may have operate or the obligations you may have, but I do have a good idea the stress you're going through. I originally studied to get into graphic design and burnt out quickly (Went into IT, yeah, that's less stressfull...), I couldn't push myself to get projects done when I had no idea of what I was working on, or when I couldn't get a creative image going in my head. Worst was the snowballing of second guessing myself. At the end of the day. Keep sane. Keep healthy. You got this! You're artwork speaks volumes regarding the dedication and effort you're capable of putting forth. You busted your ass to get where you are! I'm sure you've probably been in this situation before, and you'll get through it again. (Also, I enjoyed your creative detour!)


Seconding the others, the creative and motivation process is not a linear project. Detours sometimes (often) have to happen. Stepping away is good. Love this concept in and of itself irrespective of what you know is my favorite of your works. Just keep pushing forward, keep trying to find motivation and inspiration where you can, and your fans will have your back. That's why we're still here! We got you! <3

John Doe

I wasn't prepared for a creative writing exercise that good! Nice. Re the news stuff: I don't know how many other patrons feel this way, but I'm giving you money because I love the stuff you do, not for you to pump out content or to get access to anything exclusive. So yeah life can get in the way, but if you ever feel that patrons are getting in the way or that we're demanding anything... speaking for myself that's absolutely not the case!


That's good prop and background design as well as mixed anatomy, but I've never enjoyed "furry as enlightened being" tropes.