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TLDR:  https://subscribestar.adult/corablue 

When Patreon announced that my campaign was in violation of community guidelines over Arcadia, which is essentially a survivor story, there are a few things I knew that I had to do.

  1. Insist that Arcadia had a place on Patreon and argue for its merit as an artistic work and point out that just because something is porn doesn’t mean it’s devoid of a message.
  2. Refuse to even attempt to scrub its presence from the internet, Discord, or my personal website. If it came to that, my campaign would have been left as it is, to be suspended in protest.
  3. Do my honest best to abide by Patreon’s policy otherwise.
  4. Inconvenience my Patrons in the smallest amount possible.

Patreon did its best to frustrate every part of this process. They were vague about what they wanted me to remove. They referenced URLs that aren’t on Patreon. They presumed to tell me - the author of the work - what Arcadia was and wasn’t for. They asked URLs be taken down only to change their mind later. Every email meant another day or two of waiting while a warning of suspension hung over my campaign.

In the end it was enough for them that I removed all links to my website, all thank you messages, and all posts from Arcadia. But this isn’t the end. Nobody from Patreon found my page, looked at everything I drew and then picked Arcadia to single out. Arcadia was singled out because it was reported. Two days before my campaign was put on notice I banned a racist from my Discord channel which is quite a funny coincidence if nothing else.

Three factors are at play here.

  1. Patreon’s shifting community guidelines that are constantly closing in around adult creators.
  2. Patreon’s inability to police their own website due to the sheer mountains of content to sort through.
  3. The report functionality, which will always flag a page for shallow review

These three factors combine to make every adult creator vulnerable to vindictive attacks by anyone. This has the ironic effect of giving the sexist, racist, homophobic bunch Patreon is trying to remove from the platform all the power on the platform.

Any roads Patreon could have taken to avoid this fate were realistically missed a long time ago. I told them face to face in meetings that expanding their adult content guidelines and banning people over it with no notice was a horrible idea. I told them that their hiring spree, a massive influx of hundreds of people, was a recklessly poor financial decision. A team that is now called Trust and Safety. Jack knew about this exact problem over three years ago and nothing has changed. Here is a portion of a community drafted letter which Jack not only read but directly responded to.

“Your fuzzy position on ‘adult content’ versus ‘porn’ gives you the freedom to discriminate at will and it makes content creators live in fear of that discrimination, itself leading to self-censorship of important viewpoints.”

Nothing has changed. Years of frustrated pleading. Nothing. This is a painful moment.

So I will continue to post as clandestine as ever. I will attempt to give you everything you have been getting. I will await the next bad actor to shine a spotlight on me. But I would be stupid not to do anything about it now.


Please support me here if you don’t want to deal with that shit anymore. This is not a requirement. It is an option. For those who want to speak with their feet to a company who has long since stopped listening.

I’ll be answering questions in the comments. More Deadbeat soon.



I'm very glad you got yourself into position to just tell them off the next time this unpleasantness happens. If it's really the banned racist doing this shit, there's realistically nothing stopping them from just reporting you again now. Just as you stated, they hold all the power, which is incredibly fucked up. I'll definitely switch over to subscribestar and I hope this will also work out as a pay raise for you!


I'm already with you there Cora, and I encourage anyone who sees this on Patreon to consider doing likewise. When the morality police roll out here, they roll out in force and anyone can get a smack across the jaw from them. If Patreon wants to play that game, take your ball and go home.


Patreon is a platform which was suppose to aid the creators, a tool in a toolbox, and now we have subscribestar as well, and in my point of view the more tools we got the better. I'm happy to see subscribestar as an alternative to patreon, and given that I never enjoyed patreon's site, it being one of the worst user experiences available on the internet for a consumer of content, I'm glad to give subscribestar a go. So far "it's" features seem pretty similar, so I doubt anything will be lost in using that site vs patreon. So thanks for providing the alternative to patreon's seemingly monopoly on subscriber based donations. I'm sorry you have to go through stressful periods like this CoraBlue. But you have proven time and time again to be a strong individual, and I'm happy and proud to see you emerge from every conflict the way you do. You got viewpoints and you defend those! Awesome! Keep it up, and I look forward what the future has to bring.


There's not a damn thing special about Patreon that demands my loyalty. I'll go wherever the art goes.


So I'm a cam girl... I'm in touch with a LOT of adult content creators that use patreon, and subscribed to most of them. Some make porn, some make games that I play on stream... I happen to know you're not the only one who has these issues with the site, so if you've found a better alternative (in subscribestar) I'll spread that around. Good luck, you're an amazing artist.


How easy it is for someone to target you, report you, and have the very platform turned against you. When your enemy turns to ground. Leave no ground for the enemy to turn too. That you're now the sacrifice on the alter of meeting room 2 for merely cosmetic value. That you're being judged on a sliding scale of morality/policy by the granfalloons of corporate personhood. That HR is more than likely in the same room as a token gesture. That your work is the shadow on the wall. That your works are to be judged by the prisoners chained to a wall and their limited understanding. I fear the plight is measured on the scales of Sisyphus. Condemned to redefine insanity. That we can be literally in the middle of one rights movement and still be having this happen. Cora, I will support you any way I can. As someone diagnosed with PTSD and Gender Dysphoria. I told you before how much your works mean to me. You are a beacon of light in the binary nulling despair of Gender dysphoria. An outsider with zero comprehension see's your works and assumes a narrative. Based on their cage of limited understanding. Then vilifies you and then punishes you. Denied a true unbiased investigation by none of your own peers. You are truly guilty and have to now prove your innocents. Which is impossible! Regardless of innocents. Who protects the rights and freedoms of the creators? When the platform for creators decide who they will allow to exist as a creator. I fail to understand your message of gender dysphoria, so you are now banned. Sent a drift after they emotionally disembowel you. All so these troglodytes can maintain appearances. They don't want to be seen associating with that kind of stuff. The bottle neck always exists. We can only merely change the nature of the bottleneck. Good to know Patreon forms a committee to decide who gets to bayonet the wounded.


I'll continue to post here as long as I'm able. Switching is currently completely voluntary.


Why are the tiers priced different at subscribe star and patreon? Is this to balance a difference in how much each platform takes from our contributions to your work?


I am open to changing this and I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter. For anyone else reading here is my position on this. 1. My donation minimum hasn't changed since the campaign started 2. Patreon doesn't allow you to change tier prices 3. This is a fresh start on a platform that isn't censored and should eventually be worth the dollar I welcome feedback on this and don't want to lose people over $1. I'll revert if this is barring support.


I don't have thoughts on you choice to raise your rates. I support you setting whatever prices you see fit and letting your fans decide if we still want to pay that price. I do have thoughts on you offering no transparency on this though. As someone who wants to pay you money and receive access to your art in return it helps me to undertstand if going through the process of switching to this site brings me more value or is pure altruism. By doing so without saying anything you leave your fanbase uninformed about a choice you are asking them to make.


SO just for clarification am I to take it that there is going to be no ,pre posting of new material here on Patreon? If I decide to go with Subscribe Star what about access to material previously posted to Patreon, or cloud access? I'm all for joining you over there, cause I knew this day would come eventually. But do I need to save content from here before leaving?


I will continue to post here as normal. Those that want to stay on Patreon can. All my work goes free eventually; old works are on FA and my website. OneDrive is coming to SubsribeStar very very shortly.


So does this mean only SOME of the titles and work you've been doing will be available here, other newer work on existing stories and new titles will be available on SS? In short will I have subscribe to both sites to get the content? Quite frankly I am quite disabled now and out of work. So splitting my limited funds not the best. I don't mind paying but going forward will it be some titles here and others on SS?


I will continue posting here as normal. I'm not sure what's unclear. I will not keep any content from Patrons at all. Accessing everything I make as a creator has become more difficult here though as I am not allowed to post links to my website and I may be targeted for review again in the future.


I'm assuming that everything that you'll be posting here going forward will also be posted at the new platform? If so, I see no reason to continue supporting you on this platform as it only serves to keep you tied to a company that has and apparently will continue to abuse you.


I'm just trying to establish whether I will need to support at one site for some titles, like Arcadia or Inheritance for example, then pop over to the other site for other titles like Deadbeat etc. I've been burned by other artist before doing that. I just want to know if I pick one over ther other will I'll still have access to identical content is all. Thank you.


I recently lost my credit card and, sadly, I am awaiting a new one. I will support you here until then but my card company is being a pain about giving me a new one. I apologize that I cannot support you as much as I’d like but I can only do so much in my current situation. Thank you for posting your stories you are truly a great artist and story writer so I am sad to see someone being unappreciative of your talent and hard work to make a living. Again, I thank you for giving us your time and effort.


... no more "Bae" tier at your subscribestar?


Bae and Victim are effectively the same, I make the same amount of money on each after fees and both are just to allow people to donate a little more. It's only the title that changed. Did you like the title of Bae more?


Ooooooh, I see yah, the Victim tier has been moved up a notch from its patreon state and is supplanting Bae. No, thanks for asking but I am not that picky on the naming.


Okay, moved to your SubscribeStar ... just FYI that my cancelation about to happen here isn't me leaving so much as a transfer.