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Though it's not my normal style and I'm not typically one for overt displays of affection, thank you for your kind words here, in Discord, and in private. It really means the world to me.

And also porn. Because we have to have some.



D'aww *hugs* ♥


Your expression in the 3rd pic says it all. ♥


I am your creepy internet stalker, were you not expecting me to find and try to hug you the second you came out of hiding?

Little Napoleon

This community of all places had better be a supportive one! Sorry to hear about the scary news, and hope everyone makes it through no worse for wear!


We’re here for you Cora!

Telanda Softpaw

All the "Welcome back", and "Hope things improve" snuggles! ^.^


What is the discord? Would love to say hi!