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I hope everybody had a great holiday! I know they can be concerning for a lot of you guys as Christmas creeps up and money becomes tight, but I really do appreciate every single patron. Enjoy another page <3




"I'm not a girl." #Yet


OOh OOh Ooh!!! Cora Cora?! The doggo girl in this comic she looks to be and is dressed the same as the Happy Mother Day as trailer trash preggo mom. Is that picture a portent of things to come for the above character?


I'm not sure what you mean. She looks the same as who? Got a link?


I D/L'd this off your site or maybe it far back in the Patreon listing here it is: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/r87ush6be422v2c/Mothers%20Day.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/r87ush6be422v2c/Mothers%20Day.jpg?dl=0</a>


Here's the original Patreon link: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/happy-mothers-11201665">https://www.patreon.com/posts/happy-mothers-11201665</a>


Cause if horny pregfurs are coming, I'm happy. Or should that be, if horny pregfurs are comin and then cumming?


Thanks for continuing this and working so hard this month, cora.


Oh right! I'd forgotten I'd done this. Yes. Same character. Might happen. Gotta tg first though!


I suddenly had a tremendous thought!! Is he gonna have some of his sperm saved by our pink girl there? And then is she gonna impregnate him with his own sperm when him becomes a full on her? Cause that brings on the question, is it sex then or masturbation? Cause it really no different than licking your own sweat or a drop of blood. Its your own genetic material. Would said child be more like a clone than an actual off spring? AHHH so many questions this brings up!!!

Krystal Vixine

I can't wait to see the rest of this


Dick shrinkage beginning in 3...2....1.........