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A couple things for the coming month. Arcadia is updated on the website. Good Dog, Goblet of Trading, Inheritance, and Justice Punishment are now on the website for reading!

I've been hearing some feedback regarding the site that the fact that there are no proper urls makes saving favorites and sharing links with other people a real pain. I was in a 'do-everything-with-javascript' fad when I wrote the website and in retrospect that was prooooobbbbbably dumb. So I might do a recode in the next few months to fix a bunch of things.

I've updated the tier rewards to make them more succinct. New art on those. I've also removed a few stretch goals. This is temporary. As many of you may know from watching the streams, I've been having some real difficulty keeping the schedule while I deal with some personal issues, so I just don't want something up there that I'm having trouble fulfilling. It'll go back up soon, as soon as I get back to doing voter comics regularly.

Stream tomorrow night/Friday morning depending on when I'm awake. Nobody can predict really. Here I am on Patreon at 6AM changing tier reward images!

I spoke with Patreon via conference call yesterday regarding the struggles adult content creators face. If people are interested in the contents I'll do a write up, but it sounds like galleries may soon be on the way. I let them know that we need some method of delivering free, public content as well.



Please make it possible to zoom into the pictures. I cannot read anything on the website with my 1300x900 screen :(


Yes is would be interesting to know how the convo went and if Patreon plans to shoot itself in the hind paw by dumping AC altogether or put extra fee charges for it.


Thanks for the update. If you're looking at changing the webpage structure, I suggest sorting the "Shorter Comics" section by date rather than by name, and maybe to add the "posted at" date, to make it easier for readers to spot new content.


If you'd like to continue doing everything in Javascript, look into Node/React. You can make urls and endpoints


The feeling I got was neither. They're very interested in keeping us around. Any service changes in the future will likely apply to everyone, not just AC creators.


I'll look into it though. I'm rusty with web dev at this point tbh. I could hop back on that bike but I may just hire somebody. We'll see.


I would like to have the website actually work on Firefox... The pages never load.


Actually the website is terrible even when it work. we can't zoom in the pages so the letters are all too small.. zooming the browser also does not work.


Nice update. Just so you know, the last page of inheritance is in the wrong place (it's #5) .


I'm curious if there's a schedule for uploads or if it's just sporadic? It's been real real infrequently lately :C


Working on getting that schedule back right now. Also I haven't been uploading this month cause I've got a backlog of stuff I can't upload yet for reasons. A couple more days ;)