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Some of you have been waiting a while for this one.




God, everyone in this comic is a hilariously terrible person! Sure, what they did to Buck was bad, but how awful do you have to be that Mischief was able to gather a small army to seek revenge on the first place? ...Good thing I enjoy schadenfreude almost as much as I do TF!


Is there a way to see these in order? I am new to Patreon and cannot figure out the commands well. Thanks.


is it wrong that I absolutely love the crotchlock? /tattoo?


They're in order on the website linked at the top of the page. I don't like to officially post them until there's color though and I'm still waiting on that unfortunately :\


Hooray! Love seeing more from this. A few questions though: Is their personality/mind overwritten, or do they just succumb to the pleasure and power, and never really had a problem with the idea of turning on former allies? If it's the latter, how are they both instantly adept and competent at using Magic? Using the magic on girls makes them witches, but why isn't Buck if the formerly male Buns now is? Sorry if these are details coming up or ones I missed. I'm just curious about the finer details.


Android app does not appear to preserve 'return' indentations. Apologies if you read this on mobile, as it appears as a wall of text >.


I think Husky is still right about girls becoming witches. Petey (or is it Patricia now?) is getting help from Tabby to use magic. So, Tabby is using her magic through Peter Rabbit