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After hearing from a good portion of voting Patrons and not believing the numbers will change in any major way, I've come to a decision: Amber in Arcadia will avoid charging Patrons and instead, when it's completed, be offered as a full standalone product elsewhere. While there was a solid majority in favor of continuing the project here I still feel like asking dozens of people to pay for something they don't want isn't the way to go here.

This was a hard decision because there are a lot of considerations here. I would like to make it perfectly clear that this is not a case about people being comfortable or not with subjects, but rather a gesture of respect to my Patrons. The people who support me at the $5+ level are paying for a voice, and an audible number of them (including some friends) really don't want to pay for something they won't read. And telling those people to fuck off if they don't like it would be a huge mistake.

This solution seems ideal to me. Those of you who would like to support the comic may pay for it on release, and those who aren't won't be charged. I will be using this platform as a way of funding new ideas and announcing when they're finished, however.

Thanks guys, and have a great day. More BnE coming soon.


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