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Hi everyone! A few things to keep you in the loop, apologies in advance for the rambling. I will do a sum up at the end so you can skip past the waffle once i've sorted out what i'm trying to say 😂


Firstly, it's about time you got those cupcakes, so they will be coming very soon, but I wanted to give you all a heads up.. I'm doing some reshuffling (yes i know i know.. i'm sorry, always doing something!)


Warning - rambling ahead - bla bla bla

1. As you may know I'm trying to get my medieval cookbook brushed up and functioning. It's a lot more than just cooking so there's soo many different bits and pieces to do.. It's basically being remade and I will be releasing it in parts over time. 

I'm working on bringing more compatibility with the hunting aspect now so that your sims can make use of the meat without having to exclusively cook the recipes in the cooking part of the mod. Currently when your sim 'cuts the meat' it's quite specific for the recipes. Now there is the option to 'wrap the meat' after cutting which will turn it into either 'wrapped white meat' or 'wrapped red meat' which will make it more compatible for other recipes both custom and in game.  

2. In preparation for when I move onto the cooking part of the medieval mod, I have been trying to decide the best way to go about it. Eventually I decided to merge some of the cooking props so that both Grannies Cookbook and the Medieval cookbook can make use of the props (eg. chopping vegetables that aren't in game/new mixing bowls/oven trays etc that I've added) without having to have both cookbooks or making duplicate props. This will also come in handy for the new 'prepping ingredients mod' that I'm working on (sneak peak on that here) and I'm also adventuring into 'canning' from cottage living. Of course all these additions need a way to be accessed in game so I'm currently mulling over how best to do that..

3. So going back to the 'merging of props' - this is likely going to end up a separate mod package Homestead Cooking addon (or named something like that, I'm not sure - let me know if you have any cute cooking-inspired names) The mod won't do anything on it's own but will contain a bunch of fun props that both cookbooks and additional cooking mods can make use of. I'll have some more info on this a bit later once it's all organised better!

4. I'll be wrapping up the stand mixer mod very soon so that you can use the new icing ingredients with the cupcakes. I'll be adding some more ingredients to this at a later date.

5. Lastly, Grannies bakery bake off mini series round 2 (that's a mouthful!) is starting up again with some love day inspired goodies!   


Hopefully I haven't confused you too much (because I've confused myself 😅) I may have frazzled my brain a little juggling all these new fun things! 

To sum up in short terms:

  • Cupcakes & Icing Ingredients are on their way 
  • Grannies cookbook will soon have a required add-on package containing some fun new cooking props that can be used by other upcoming mods

If you read all this, I'm sorry 🤣 but hopefully you're excited for the new things coming! 💚




I am slowly building my medieval world in anticipation of the revamped 'Olde Cookbook' ... trying to figure out how to replace NPC clothing has been a nightmare for my elder millenial/cusp of Gen X brain. I cannot even imagine how much time you put into your creations, but it really shows and I am so excited for these new things!!


I use MCCC Dresser in combination with Fashion Authority Mod. I also made a set for NPC service staff uniforms DR a while ago. To not clog up this comment field, I will make a post with tipe & tricks abut this :) (Also, to LBB: I am also excited about Ye Medieval Cookbook updates :) )


It's definitely a journey of sorts.. especially seeing as a lot of the parts I made a while ago (and I wasn't very organised about it so it's a bit of maze 😅 ) but it's getting there! My medieval save has been put on hold until its finished so as you can imagine I'm just as eager for the mod to be finished!