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A handful of requested toasties are on their way. 

Galactic Toastie - intended for aliens ( I don't think they have specific needs so works for regular sims too)
Raw Fish Toastie - Werewolves, that raw meat buff!
Brie and Cranberry - regular sims 

I'm not going to lie, the raw fish toasties have me giggling.. I can't take them seriously 😅



Wendy Hubble

Oh the fish one makes me smile. That is so funny. I love the idea of an alien one. Cranberry and Brie is one of my favorites!


I needed the giggle I got from the raw fish toasties. Thanks for all your hard work!


Hi i wanted to point out since i updated my cook book the tomato soup and grilled cheese recipe looks different now, the sandwiches are all red on the outside im not sure if this was intentional or a mistake but they looked more appealing before.


Hi, is this the older recipe where the grilled cheese is on the plate with the soup? If so, I haven’t touched it so it’s either a glitch somehow or has always looked that way. I’ll take a look in my game to see if they look any different but they are an old recipe and I’m not too fond of my older texture attempts so they probably just look a little crusty!