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Imagine a pile of washing.. that is soo big that you leave it till the next day.. but then there is more the next day.. so you leave it again...and again... well today is the day!!! 


This is a loooonggggg list of recipes that was popping up in Better Exceptions for a while now. They weren't broken, just a very slight change in the way ea coded some things. Quite literally 1 single letter difference for most things but I also tidied up the other stragglers that were popping up.

It was a rather tedious task but they should no longer be flagging up in the reports. If that wasn't bothering you then there isn't really need to rush to redownload as the old ones work fine.

I will link them all here so you grab the ones you need 😊 Some of the very old recipes are only found in the bulk download, that is also linked and updated if you want to grab that and do a full swap over of all the recipes.

Okay here we go:


Breakfast & Grill:




Snacks/Quick Meals:

  • Carrot Coriander Soup (old recipe)
  • Chicken Soup (old recipe)
  • Tomato Soup (old recipe) - bulk download link for above

**(old recipe) just to note that these are lower quality recipes as I made them a while ago and (i'd like to think) i've improved/changed my style. I gave up part way labelling them as most of them are older recipes 🙈

Other Mods that was showing up for similar reasons:

Hot Chocolate Maker

Drinks Machine

Grannies Recipe Tin Object Addon 

Please bear 🐻 with me for the Old Cookbook Kit ~ I'm aware of the BE's and will fix them (the mod is working okay) i'm in the process of working on some things and the mod is a jumble right now of package files and folders all over the place so it will take me some time. I don't have a time scale as it's such a large project and my organisation skills are, well, I seem to have misplaced them... Thank you for your patience whilst I work through the massive task I have made 😅


All of my mods are hosted on Patreon and Curseforge. Other sources are outdated. However if you frequently use my Patreon i'd recommend downloading from here and not multi-using Curseforge, as the versions on there lag behind (especially when new foods are released etc.. plus I don't have time to maintain the posts as my pictures keep being removed 🙃).



Thank you for this


Thank you!


Thank you LBB!


That laundry pile would look even more daunting if it was made of code. Even little fixes, if they need to be done on each item, take for ever to complete. Thanks for doing all of that back end work for us!


thank you so much - the garlic baguette kept popping up on BE for me


Hi! If you're copying the photos from Patreon to the CurseForge post, that's why they are breaking. You'll need to upload them somewhere else that's stable like Imgur, maybe try Tumblr, or CurseForge itself.


Thank you! 💜


Thank you. :-)

Tamia West

Hey, I have the grannie's cookbook updated version but for some most of the foods from the old recipe and from the maintenance is not showing up in my game.


Are you getting any LE's, do they show up in restaurants? Have you checked your sim has a high enough cooking level? If you're in the discord you can open a ticket over there and I can help you better 😊


Hello! Thank you for your amazing work! I am so happy I came across your page! I've noticed my sim can make some of the meals, and then others they just stop, and when I click the cutting board, it says "clean up", not "resume".


Hi! I'll try my best to help, so I have some questions to hopefully narrow down the issue. Firstly, is this happening with only the cookbook and recipes installed to rule out any potential conflicts? Are you getting any LE's popping up? Which version do you have of the cookbook? Is this with an ea stove/counter/fridge or custom? Could you tell me some of the recipes this is happening with so I can check them in my game too. 😊


Hi! I got a BE and LE on the breakfast lemon sugar crepes yesterday. Just thought I should let you know (everything is updated so I don't know why). Keep up the good work, I love love love your creations!!


Hi thanks for letting me know, can you send it across in discord so I can take a look as it's not showing up for me!


hello. i recieved 4 BE for your appetisers [ party ring busicuits, fairy bread, princess party bags and princess party cake. ] i did the bulk download. i will look again to make sure i sourced it from your folders and not an older link. im not familiar with discord but if you tell me what to do i can foll those steps