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So I thought a good compromise for my previous café idea would be to add grannies tasty treats and the drinks from my drinks machine to be purchasable from the café/barista bar. yay! 😄

This is an override to the object tuning ~ so any café bars that have already been placed in the world will be overwritten and include the treats and drinks. You will of course need the drinks machine and grannies cookbook/recipes for them to show up in the café order menu. 

I'm going to add a few of ea's foods as well so even if you don't have the drinks machine or grannies recipes, it would still be worthwhile having this little addition in your game so your sims can order more foods when they go to a café!




Oh this is such a cool idea~ And especially adding more EA foods, I always hated that there was so little to get from the cafes


Oh FINALLY! I love to go to the cafes on dates! This is just perfect!


That's an awesome idea! I would love to have more choices when my Sims go to the cafe it's kind of boring now. 👍👏💕