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So we've got ham dinner, ravioli and turkey dinner so far :) 

Is there any other combo's you'd like to see? 

I'm going to do a few more pureed styles for 'younger' toddlers :)

- updating with new pictures!

* toast - jam & marmalade with banana and orange segments 

* pancakes with strawberry yogurt and berries

* macaroni cheese with peas and carrots



Neosha Corey

Pizza rolls and fries


Carrots, fried chicken and green beans. Apples with cinnamon, tofu nuggets and vegan mac n cheese


These look really cool! Maybe something for vegetarian families? Eg, soy nuggets with brocolli and carrots or something like that? Or a breakfast themed tray, with toast and berries and banana slices?


Spaghetti and garlic bread bites


Little tiny sandwiches cut into squares, grapes, cheese cubes. For a snack, I could see cheerios or other cereal like fruity loops in a section. ^_^


Cheesy/tomato pasta, cod in parsley sauce, rice pudding, stew on mash, baby rusks (just some of what I was given as a toddler and put on my head apparently)


I second one or two breakfast trays! I have increased hunger decay in my game so all my sims eat at least twice a day. Maybe mini pancakes or oatmeal with fruit?


I am in love with the trays! They are so cute!! I would love to see some type of nuggets, maybe some mini pancakes or waffles. Lunch or snacks will be amazing.


Omg this looks amazing! I'd love to see lil Dino Nuggets:)

Mendota Kelly

Thank you! These sort of foods are so much more realistic than giving a tot a bowl of peas.

Diamond Rose

Breakfast food like pancakes french toast with fruit etc


Maybe a toddler bento box with like edamame, rice etc


Cheese quesadillas with some veggies or beans on the side.


Pizza bagels would be really cute with some peas and carrots


Baked beans and beef hot dogs or tofu dogs


Semolina Porridge, I was given it as a toddler. Also creamy corn, quinoa, baby carrots

Emily M

Mac and cheese, something fish based, or a little snack lunch would be cute! Such as little sandwiches with crackers and fruit or something along those lines.


Cut up pancakes and eggs


Omg amazing


Spaghetti or pasta shapes with cut up toast was a favourite of mine when I was little