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Good news! I have breathed new life into my compute aha!

It's not perfect and I can't seem to get my bluetooth to work so i'm having to use a really clunky keyboard that i'm not used to..  i'm kinda learning how to type again 🙈 I have to reinstall everything as it's a new empty hard drive, which i'm a bit sad about :(  

As soon as everything's installed and updated I will check if my files are working - fingers crossed!!!!!!!

I will update this post with the news! 

Luckily I think my cc survived the patch :) 

- - - 


So.. unfortunately some things are corrupted and the game refuses to open with them in my mods folder :(

I've narrowed some of them down such as the drinks machine. Luckily with me uploading it to patreon I can delete my version and re-download and it *should* fix that issue but I may have to recreate the 'crates' option from scratch. 

My more counter foods is going to need a little work as part of it is completely corrupted and the file is just blank.. it's a shame as it literally took me nearly a week to figure out how to do that but hopefully it won't take me as long this time as I can remember how I did it (mostly.. i hope)

As for the rest of the wips i'm going through them and seeing what can be saved.. 

Also i'm crying because my saves just won't work.. the game won't launch with them in so I think they're corrupted as well :'(   



The Drink machine still works fine for me after the patch. and the cookbook is fine as well. Sometimes they walk away when halfway through the making the food, but I am not sure if that's just because my computer kinda sucks LOL.


That's some good news :) One less thing off my list to worry about haha! I'll take a look at the cooking when my game installs.. there might not be anything i can do about it.. it sounds like a silly sims thing lol


Hey, congratulations! Sounds like you still have to do a complete re-install, but I'm glad you didn't have to find a new computer. Good luck getting used to the new (old) keyboard in the mean time. Take your time sorting it all out and getting that machine back up to speed.


I havent noticed any issues with your cookbooks but I havent tested the machine out yet!


Yay! So happy, welcome back!


Yay!! Welcome back! Hope all goes well for you.


Yay! Welcome back!


Omg RIP your saves 😭 The farthest I've ever gotten in a save was 4 generations into a DitFT in 3 which was a family I adored and was lost to a motherboard death. I've been trying to recapture that magic since. Hopefully some of yours can be salvaged.


Ah, no! RIP your saves! Also, RIP all that hard work on wips. Dang the corrupted files anyway. Best of luck fixing and recreating things, but don't stress out over it and work yourself too hard on them, okay? Also, can confirm the current upload of the drinks machine is working just fine with the current game patch.


I remember when I lost all my saves and mods. I had to update this bizarre software and during the free trial it looked at the computer files for stuff I had deleted from recycling bin.


I forgot to say, try going to the PC file in the file folder, look at Users and look through each folder and see which one might have a copy of your saves. My computer once updated and wiped everything.. at least on the surface. I was able to find everything in one of the User folders


I'm so sorry about your saves. That super sucks :(