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Happy holidays everyone!  Can you believe we've already made it to December? Seems like it was January just yesterday!

The Queen of Hearts poll is currently live and the Queen of Diamonds poll will be posted later this month at the usual time.  In January we will have the final casino poll to determine the King of Hearts.  Once again I want to apologize for not keeping up with these cards like I should have been.  Honestly, my irl job has kind of demotivated me when it comes to my art over the past year but I'm working through it.

After January, the monthly polls are going to go on a little hiatus for a while.  I apologize for this but I'd like to catch up with everything I'm behind on before I start adding more things to the list.  I still may do an occasional pin-up or NSFW poll for fun once in a while but nothing is really set in stone.  I understand if some of you don't feel like sticking around during all that and wish to cancel your pledge and that's completely fine with me.  Never feel like you're obligated to pledge anything! 

I believe that's all I have for now but if you have any questions or comments, feel free to hit me up anytime! 


Ana Revana

You got a follower for Life sweetie hang in there

Daniel Blom Paulsen

No need to apologize. You gotta take care of yourself. 💚