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I know the Street Fighter poll has only been up for a day but my girl Juri is in last place with a single vote as of right now. Clearly only one of you here has any taste! Haha 

So to give her the recognition she deserves, please enjoy some smut. 




Nice try but I still voted for Cammy :) Great work as always buddy.

Lucas Bechtol

Hard for me to have taste for a fighter when I've always been more of a Kombatant than a Fighter. Haven't played a Street Fighter Game since one of the Alpha games for the PSOne. I don't really remember if Juri was even in that game. This makes me kind of want to add votes, though. Not bad.


I think Juri's first game was Street Fighter IV, so she's a fairly recent character. I like a lot of fighting games mainly for the characters. I'm no good at playing them against other people, haha.