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Halloween's coming up in about a week, so it's time to post a few Halloween-y pics!

I asked folks on Discord what sort of costumes I should dress my characters in this year, and one suggestion that really stood out to me was The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  So here's my OC, Silver, recreating the iconic poster! 

I'll have some wallpaper variants up for $10 patrons sometime soon.  I had originally planned on doing a lot more for Halloween, but if I'm being honest, I've kind of felt some burnout with drawing recently and I'm slowly working on getting that motivation back.  However, there will still be a few more Halloween pics to come this week, so don't worry! 




Thats pretty badass!


Awesome idea

Lucas Bechtol

Consider me chilled, thrilled and fulfilled.


Hot Patootie Bless My Soul. Really Love that Rock and - Wait. What are you doing with that pickaxe...Silvie...?

Lucas Bechtol

I joked a bit earlier, but find myself feeling bad, upon further reflection, for not offering my ... What do you offer someone experience burnout? Sympathy? Sorrow? Commiseration? Let's go with that... commiseration. Burnout sucks. I was recently burnt out at work. The worst part is how it tends to affect every aspect of your life, your personal demeanor, your relationships, you're hobbies, everything. At least it did for me. I hope you can beat it and soon. But, I do really love how it turned out.


I appreciate the kind words, man. It's nothing I haven't dealt with before though. Tends to happen after I finish working on lots and lots of projects. I find that taking some time to unwind really helps, but also I can't help but feel the need to draw sometimes, haha. I'm glad you like the pic and hope you like what else is to come!