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A pic of my OC, Silver, exclusively for all you wonderful $10 patrons! 

I post nearly all my art elsewhere online but since you fine folks are so kind enough to support me here, I want to start giving you some exclusives. I know this is the NSFW tier and this isn't exactly NSFW, but I wanted to draw one of my characters and Silver seems to be pretty popular with at least a few of you.

Some people on Discord mentioned desktop wallpapers, so I made an attempt with this pic.  I've never really drawn anything specifically to be a wallpaper before so I wasn't sure about what size to make it.  If there are other sizes you would prefer, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it in the future.  There's also a "regular sized" pin-up that you could possibly use as a phone wallpaper if you like! Or, if you don't want to use either of them as a wallpaper, you can just look at them and admire them in whatever way you want!

I want to make more wallpapers in the future and post some actual NSFW exclusives, so let me know if you have any suggestions regarding that sort of stuff.  Feel free to hit me up here or on Discord or anywhere else you can get a hold of me. 



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