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Karen strolled along the beach, where the water and dry sand met. The occasional wave of cold frothy water hits her feet and sends shivers up her spine. It was a mid-Spring day, the sun was high and warm but the air still carried a slight Winter crisp.

Thoughts of summer came to her mind, classmates and boyfriends and summer bods. Karen's thoughts invariably turned her mind to her flat chest, breasts which just never developed. She wasn't upset at them, she knew she had nice thick thighs and a firm ass, but she would always think "Wouldn't it be nice if they were as large as all the other girls'? Then it would round out my body."


Karen felt itchiness in her bosom. She tugged at her bikini so as not to obviously scratch her chest but found it to be tighter than it aught have been.

She looked down and gasped. Breasts! B-Cups! It was like heaven granted a wish. She looked around, no one seemed to have noticed her little development.

Skipping along the water, she felt her new assets bouncing around.


Suddenly she felt them bounce around way too much. She looked down again and froze. This time what met her eyes weren't her perfectly sized breasts, but a set of orbs nearly twice what they were squished into what is obviously a way-too-tight bikini. She pressed her hands to them.


A yelp sounds from her lips as her breasts doubled in size right before her eyes. Her bikini stretched across her enlarged bosom, each breast now the size of her head, cutting into the pliable flesh. They were heavy... and wet.


Her breasts doubled again in size, every facet of them swollen with fat, flesh, and milk. Karen's eyes widened with fear as she cradled her breasts, unsure what to do next. Cold water laps at her ankles. Her new found weight causing her to sink into the soft sand. 


Karen screamed as each breast now dwarfed her body. She tried to move but found herself knee deep into the sand. Milk sprayed out of her nipples with great force, the warmth of it running down her breasts, contouring it, only served to exaggerate her size.

She waited for another growth spurt that never came. It was clear now that she was as large as all the other girls... combined.




Sweet picture along with a nice story. <3

Dark Star

Monkey's Paw-style wishes are always the best '3'

