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“WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” Miriam screamed as she choked down a panicked sob, her knuckles white from gripping the passenger seat with every ounce of strength.

Outside, trees and cars zoomed past in a blur as the car hurtled down the highway at dangerous speeds. The driver, Miriam’s roommate, a meek girl with not a lot of meat on her bones, was at a loss for comforting words as she had no idea what was happening either. It all seemed so surreal.


The car ran over a piece of debris on the highway. Loose objects scattered themselves about as Miriam’s yoga-ball-sized breasts ripped out of her dress and slammed into the car ceiling. The old vehicle violently jolted as its suspension system nearly gave up trying to stabilize the impact of the breasts coming back down.

A yelp of frustration followed by a guttural noise of strain filled the car as Miriam grit her teeth, her roommate’s stream of apologies being drowned out by the grunts. A flood of sensation beyond anything Miriam had ever experienced tested every ounce of her willpower. The electric sensation of a burgeoning orgasm spread dangerously throughout her body, and her three-foot-long, newly-grown cock (which was very girthy, at twice the thickness of her leg) threatened to loose a ropey wave of love.

The sound of latex-like stretching joined the chorus of Miriam’s strained groans as her cock, balls, and tits gained volume and mass. Her hips were pressed further into the seat as her cock had no more room to grow in front of it. Her cockhead, already tightly pressed up against the windshield, twitched with primal anticipation as a thick glob of yellow-white cum managed its way out. Humidity in the cabin rose as the hot cum dribbled onto the dashboard. Miriam clenched her body as tight as she could, stopping more liquid from escaping her. She scrabbled at the seat adjustment rod but found no relief since it was already as far back as it could go.

For the next few minutes, heavy bouts of labored, concentrated breathing were the only noises in the car. Cum had leaked all around and into the air vents, filling the car with the thickest, piercing smell of semen they had ever known. Miriam’s roommate rolled down the windows, but the smell stubbornly lingered as it permeated into the car. Miriam attempted to shift her legs into a more comfortable position but found them immobile, pinned by her testicles. She deduced that because her ballsack was enveloped by pressure from nearly all sides, they had grown to encompass the entire footwell. She tried to confirm with her own eyes, but couldn’t see past her cock and cleavage. Still, with the newfound revelation of size, she tilted her head back and moaned.

It wasn’t long until she felt it again. Heard it again. Panic struck her again as she broke the heavy silence with a scream.

“Oh, GOD! I’m growing too big!”
Her growing mass elicited a creak of fatigued metal from the car’s suspension, as if it were in agreement.

“FUCK!” She cried in despair. ”I can’t hold it in! I’m going to EXPLODE!”

A highway exit sign passed by in a blur.

“No! H-hold on!”, the driver pleaded. “We’re almost to the hospital!”

Lush, blue veins thickened underneath Miriam’s pale skin. The muffled sound of gurgling milk filling her breasts joined the cacophony of screams and pleadings, stretching skin and groaning metal. She felt like a water balloon, somehow filled beyond one-hundred percent capacity. Then, she felt something give out inside her body and mind.

“NNNGH!! It’s coming out on its own!” She sobbed. “I CAN’T! I CAN’T HOLD IT ALL IN!”

The car’s engine roared and whirred from the stress.

“I’M SORRY!” Miriam screamed with a delirious finality as her body left her control.
“I’M SORRY!” She repeated, oblivious to her roommate screaming beside her.




i love this concept, the absolute desperation and panic but being completely overwhelmed by pleasure and cum. definitely my favorite artist


Oh my God this is amazing. I hope there's some kind of sequel


Even better with a story *o* Nice work !


"A ropey wave of love." OMG, my new favorite phrase! Spon, your work gets better with every piece (of work)!


Very happy to see we got this ^^ thank you Sponson


God your writing is as delicious as your illustrations! The horror in this one was riveting. I do hope they survived though 😅


Always lovely to read stories from you. They are as great as the lovely art


Great writing. Hope that a sequel eventually comes out.