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"Your biometric readings are all over the place! Are you all right in there?"

"I'm fine, Leeron. In fact, I've never felt better in my life!"

Yoko cups her newly forming cock and testicles in her hand, feeling them grow in heft and girth.

Dayakka's voice rings through the channel.

"Whats happening to her, Leeron?"

"Hmm, I'm not too sure, but it seems that Simon's spiral energy is permeating the ship. See here, how it's drawn more to certain areas, such as the gunman?"

"What does that have to do with... her changes?"

"The spiral energy must be pooling, and the sheer amount of it is affecting her on the level of her DNA!"

A small moan cuts through the conversation as Yoko's breasts suddenly expand past the limits of her suit. Her nipples stand naked and erect against the steaming air of the cockpit, beads of sweat already running down her taut skin.

Team Gurren watches as Yoko's body swells feverishly with each passing moment. Spiral energy almost visibly seeping into her, becoming flesh.

Yoko's expression twists with pain and pleasure as her body suddenly undergoes a massive growth. Her cock distends upwards, growing four times its size in seconds. It pierces her cleavage and stands painfully erect, waiting to be stroked. Her balls blast outwards, filling up to the brim with hyperactive sperm. Finally, her breasts surge outwards to meet her knees, each breast dwarfing her torso in both size and mass.

She fondles her new equipment, tears streaming down her face from the rush of euphoric lust.

Dayakka's panicked voice rings throughout her mech. "Yoko! You have to get out of there! We don't what will happen if you stay in there for too long!"

"I told you, I'm fine! Plus I think s-somethings coming out! I think I'm c-cumm---"

Her sentence was drowned out by a roar of semen hitting the ceiling. Yoko's massive cock visibly distorting as it pumps gallon after gallon of steaming semen into the air.

Yoko's body seized after every shot of cum. Her expression stuck in a perpetual moan. Pure bliss encapsulated her every movement as her body grew even larger, filling up half of her cockpit.

"Leeron, how much more power do we need until Dai Gurren is ready for transformation? Maybe once we're done she'll stop growing!"

"We're only at 12%..."



Juan Camacho

Hopefully we'll reach 100% in no time


We need to see that 100% body :D