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The young woman's legs gave way to the sheer weight of her ginormous breasts. She knelt down to the ground as slow as she could. Her breasts had spontaneously begun to lactate and the girl could do nothing but accept it.

As a crowd gathered around her, she finally admitted that maybe, just maybe, her breasts were maybe a bit big.






Please, they havent even been cumflated yet :3


Nah still not big enough :3


Wonderful job!


Maybe when you can't carry their weight with your legs, you can call it big...maybe...or not !

Mark Williams

We need an army of hypers working around the clock to get thoes babies filled stat!


She change bras?


Pshaw! What an absurd notion... 🙄


Part 3 where she admits that (not in my opinion, but...) they're way, way too big; all while she's producing a mini flood?

Robert Pearson

Those have to be the size of a driver's side front airbag each, speaking of which, will we ever see airbag breast expansion in a car, Sponson? I know you started that drawing of the woman's breasts growing in a car, will you ever finish it?


I may! While I make a lot of sketches, not all of them strike me the same way and only a handful ever get the finishing treatment. I do enjoy the breasts-in-a-car concept, though its not currently on the forefront of things I'm super excited to do.


(Part 2) of (Fluid Dynamics Course 301.) - (100 year mammalian geyser events.) The parting of the red……(probably more like sunburned) C’s……(probably more like triple or quadruple) C’s…….followed by a large scale eruption of creamy, milky goodness……Fortunately, I’m not lactose intolerant.