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7 Short Comic Ideas

  • Flat Thinking 36
  • Coming to Your Senses 38
  • Line of Sensibility 65
  • Mario and the Warp Pipe 5
  • You are the World to Me 14
  • Say Cheese or Dilate 17
  • Brash TV 5
  • 2019-08-17
  • —2019-08-24
  • 180 votes
{'title': '7 Short Comic Ideas', 'choices': [{'text': 'Flat Thinking', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Coming to Your Senses', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Line of Sensibility', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Mario and the Warp Pipe', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'You are the World to Me', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Say Cheese or Dilate', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Brash TV', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 24, 17, 49, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 17, 17, 51, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 180}


If you had to pick one of these story ideas for me to focus on in September, which would you choose?

Flat Thinking

A girl with gigantic breasts is frustrated at her body. She doesn’t find them sexy, they get in the way, they’re heavy, and the men leering at her makes her uneasy. She considers getting surgery to get them reduced but her optimistic go-getter friend suggests therapy. The girl doesn’t have the money so her friend looks up some how-to-do articles online.

The friend gives small lessons throughout the week, but her English isn’t very good and the wording is just slightly off during hypnosis sessions. The girl slowly starts to believe her breasts are normal, then too small.

One day the girl shows up with breasts double the size of what they used to be. They’re so large they engulf her torso and must be squeezed through doors. When asked what happened, she says she thought her breasts were too small and opted for surgery.

Coming to Your Senses

Nerdy and reclusive goth girl is caught reading hypnosis books by her popular, sexy futa friend. The friend makes fun of the goth, remarking on how hypnosis is fake and for children, unaware that she’s already gone through extensive hypnosis sessions with the goth. The goth says the trigger phrase, and the friend immediately experiences an earth-shattering orgasm, spilling her seed and milk everywhere.

The orgasms last for a long time, and eventually the friend blacks out. She wakes up in her room later that day, wondering why she’s so sore.

Line of Sensibility

A smart, demure American girl is having a small dinner with her friends to celebrate her 18th birthday, which marks her legal transition into adulthood. Everyone counts down to the second and the moment she becomes 18 she undergoes an explosive transformation. Her A-cup breasts blow out to the size of bean bag chairs, her nipples the size of large melons themselves. Milk aggressively showers the crowd. Her hips widen to an incredibly mature width, while her pussy expands so large she can no longer close her legs. Her clit engorges to the size of an arm.

Everyone is in silent shock. The girl giggles and says “Well, now that I’m legal, who’s going to fuck me first?”

Mario and the Warp Pipe

Mario goes down a warp pipe. It’s Princess Peach’s gigantic nipple.

You Are the World to Me

A girl orders a fleshlight as a gift and writes a birthday card for her boyfriend, it reads “I hope you enjoy the fleshlight when I’m not around.”. Afterward to her horror she begins shrinking in size, however her pussy and breasts don’t. She continues to shrink smaller. Smaller than a bag, then an apple, then a hair. Smaller she shrinks while her breasts and pussy continue to stay the same size. Eventually you can’t even see her with a microscrope.

Her boyfriend comes home and sees a fleshy toy on the table. Reading the card he uses her while he browses porn. But to her it feels like a dick the size of the world is entering her. She cums and the boyfriend realizes it’s her.

Say Cheese or Dilate

A live picture morphing app appears on this girl’s phone. She plays around with it and takes a picture of herself with a funny filter. She then takes a picture of her friend. In her selfie she applied a tall and thin filter, and give her friend a 1000% voluptuous figure filter.

Over the course of the next few days they begin to change in real life, they realize the app is causing the transformation. In the process of undoing the changes a tall growth spurt causes the girl to panic and drop the phone down a sewer grate.

The changes finalize and the girl is now 12” tall with legs like a model and her friend is a walking hourglass.

Brash Tv

A girl addicted to television gets sucked into it. She takes on the role of the main character depending on the program that’s playing, and pleads to be let out. Someone puts in “Super Busty Bimbo Anal Edition”.



I dunno, Rick, they all look good to me


I am limited by my singular physical existence. I can only work on one at a time D:


I would like to see all eventually. You do some creative things and I love it.

Akemi Expansions

I’ll pay whatever it costs for “You are the World to Me.” Literally whatever it costs.


I personally enjoyed those two-panel mini comics you did recently. Seeing your characters in their day to day lives is pretty funny


Yes. Although seriously, it was tough to pick because they're all so good but I did manage eventually


While Coming to Your Senses was my 1st choice, I think Brash TV had a lot to offer as well. I know I will enjoy your pictorial interpretation whatever the final decision is.


Liking many of these short comic scenarios. Definitely should keep the runner ups or your personal favorites written up around afterwards too. Unless simpler to just move onto new ideas.


All of them sound amazing, but the only reason I picked Coming to Your Senses is because its the only futa one


If we’d like to sponsor one as a commission, is that an option?


I voted for Line of Sensibility, but You are the World to Me is a very strong 2nd!

Loonia Infinity (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 19:05:35 I went for "You are the World to Me!" <3
2019-08-20 19:49:35 I went for "You are the World to Me!" <3

I went for "You are the World to Me!" <3